The Marysville Advocate from Marysville, Kansas (2024)

s. or 1 8 5 Vic lave la st J. 11: of 29 1 A 10. 3 in is 6 hi.s da Sunday hid 1s schonl :8 evening n. and 00 a In 1 vis't 319 Emphasis on flood control makes the long-awaited report from department of agriculture on the Missouri River basin of interest to people of this area, according to A bait M.

Cole of the First district. In is Intest report to the people, he cy-leins that "the people of the Fist district will be especially interested in this report because of its h1 st, upon flood control." The derartment report, filed with Conor ss recently, states that 'the Dr gram will reinforce land use ractices and treatments designed to hold water en the land and ease it f. rwird to main stem channels without overflow." Ertween 4 and 16,000 small dams are planned, the congressman explained. "Additions stabilization measures include 4,00 to 5,500 miles of floori he asserted, "plus 10,000 to 12.000 miles of small stream channel improvements and 60,000 to 70.000 miles of diversion ditches and dikes to route flood water from eroded lord and terraced fields." Reports On Program For Valley Five Students From County Are Craduates Five students from Marshall coun- were candidates for degrees from the University of Kansas at the seventy-seventh annual commenceturnt exercises June 6. They are: Edward Eugene Pope, bachelor of arts; Ernest McRae, 'achelor of laws and Dennis AlHardman, doctor of medicine, ell cf The Ranids; Clyde V.

Lung r. bachelor of science in business, Summerfield; and Robert Turdeon, bachelor of fine arts, Mar sville. The graduating class is the larrest in KU history, with more than 1,500 students to be graduated. Blue Rapids Frank Marvin The Rov. R.

E. Williams contho funeral of Mrs. James at Friday afternoon, with burial in Antioch cemetery, bar. Bicelow. 4-d Mrs.

Keith B. Wagoner and daughter of filsboro, returned Sunday evening after making His grandmother, Mrs. Burkett, a visit The Wagoners will soon be moving to Holton where he will re on the high school faculty this fall B. Well r. Mr.

and Mrs. W. P. Dutien and Mr. and Mrs.

F. Da vin were in Seneca Sunday oft The new Baptist preacher and for 1 of Fransville, are here 033 he will hold his first regular service Sunday morning June 5. Mrs. B. Short and daughter, Miss Doris.

home, from their winters el in Salina: Mrs. R. G. Farrar, city, Mr. and H.

Pa and Mr. and Mits. Wa 110 Per or ands of Can Diego. Co'if. and Mr.

Raymond Farrar of Citv. ware in Brattir, riel Sunday for a family reunion. Mr. Mrs. thort 177 re here a Fention, the end with lie mother.

do sov ral dav8 care te 11 nada. her Cather Mr. M. Conz 'S and brothers in Monster l1 county. An the Ford potato and corn rain me to this sati Sun119.

friends of Mr. and Perl eVillien 8 rrv to Fave tho n'e leaving They are planPin to they future home in burg. Fla. Mrs Adams is home from 8 's't with ch'1'ren in Mr. and Mrs.

Patel: and daughter of Chicago stent the Memorial holidays with her mother, Mrs. garet Karitan and Miss Kelma. Mis. Karitan will return with them for a short visit. Saturday Mr.

and Mrs. Janes Mocrehead received a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Forest Johns and Mrs. Jessie Swweet of Goodland who wore enroute to Manhattan.

Smittyville Mrs. Ed Schmidt The Happy Holler club had 011 all day meeting at Mrs. Christine Anderson's Tuesday. Each member brought a covered dish and had a pot luck dinner. Also one room was panered by the ladies.

Vernon Matson was given a surprise rartv Wednesday evening when neighbors gathered with refreshments and helped Vernon celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Tighlman Plummer of St. Joseph, spent a few days with Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Plummer of Frankfort. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schulte and family near West Point, spent Thursday night with Mr.

and Mrs. Edwin Johnson and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Everette Nelson and Mrs. Schulte was the former Mae ohnson of the Settlement.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk and family visited Mrs. Kirk's mother, Mrs.

Backman of Vliets. Mrs. Kirk was the former Mrs. Martha Backman. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Waymire and Kirk of Salina and Kenneth Majerier spent the holidays with J. Kirk. My. and Mrs.

Geo. Turnbull and Bernice were Summerfield visitors Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Askberger and family srent Sunday with Emil Nelson's family.

Reust District Mrs. Albert Guise Mr. 1 and Mrs. Frank Hunningbake were in Seneca Monday on bustness. Mr.

l'arry Shehi of Plue Ranids spent Thursday night and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guise. Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Hunninghake in Topeka Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. DeWaine Finch and Terry spent Wednesday at the Albert Guise home. Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Stanton, Dale and Marvin Reust were in Frankfort Saturday evening shopping. Mrs. Albert Guise and Mrs. Deine Finch.

Oketo, were dinner Mrs. Eva Robb and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lindeen on Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. Bill Bramhall, Mrs Bert Stanton, Mr. Woodrow Reust. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Hunninghal: attended the funeral services for the late George Guise, Tuesday, May 24 held at the Christian church North Elm in Balderson township. Mrs. Harold Milen and son of Hays spent last week with Mrs. Ralph Walters and family. Anna Tate, Frankfort and Mrs Tommy Mitchell Marysvile spen Memorial day at Seneca.

Fran audi Mrs. Na with Mr. and Dewaine Finch and 'Terry Oketo. usuciS at the All Sunday wore Mrs an nahake, Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. Waiter Meyn a ma. Ir. and Mrs. W.a 1158 11 de ndav evening Mr.

and Mrs. Let a Dale. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. or Mrs. ware the Mr.

and trs. Joe ant Mo and daught 0. nad M. or lagh J. 1.

1. hell o' 0.112. six girls aid chr 0, ed their first Holy con Ar dia, at gl n.ass. Th 1s luv 19 dress white all wedring wale laze veil Tar hey, Vincent Kong ficiate: altars The woe beautifully decor win spring flowers. A Lest: dinner was served Sun cay the parish hall in hor 0 in the Rev.

Vincent Kongs who wil St. Bridget June 1. He was presented with a purse of $50 AS token of esteem from his perishtuners. Mrs. Herman Kuckleman and baby son came home from Axtell hospital Tuesday.

Mrs. Dena cf Summer Cel.i atten Mass in St. Budge Sunda She is a guest at the ac. of her daughter and husband, Mi and Mrs. Frances McGeeney, Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Young COOK'S Improved Quality MOUSE PAINT Better Than Better Than EVER Before! The best House Pant Cook' better have 3 Better ever made is The use of Hiding ways! These new features give you still makes film hide improved better. pigments better painting value when you use Cook's. Gas Stays and Fume white Proof cous atmosphere areas where darkens a paint.

HOUSE PAINTER 9 Will Mildew Resistant growths discolor. damp, resists fungus not areas. SIMPS Dre DRUG STORE children, John Lynn, Maureen, Dian and Jerry Ann of Wichita are week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coughlin.

Mrs. Flizabeth Power and daughters Petty and Mrs. Bernice Dix011 and children, and all of Kansas City Cary, guests at Patt, the home of the former's nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Power.

Frank Young of Karsas Cit came Sunday to visit his John and El and their fa Mrs. Nell Gl no is a ratient in Lincoln hospital for care and trentment. Mr. and Mrs Sidney Sharne receive a message static that they Fave a new crandson born May 22 to their danchter Phil husband. Mr.

end Mrs. Bill Merchant Tulsa, Okla. Marcaret g'n of Ma- vi'l: came Sunday by tus vi-it her father and brother, James Eagan and Leo. Leo Mitchell and children of Orntrailia spent home of his carents, Mr. J.

L. Mitchell, 01r hich hir Cent alin will his with worl: Turing summer Beattie Miss Vircinia Pierce of Boise, Ida Thurs for 11 one is't hero ni Matti: Pierce and thor relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Com Long and son.

Long is Mr. grand ter. Mr and Trunken and sons of and Raymond Ba horitch of Manhat'an visited over end at Pas Rachoritch home. Miss I cabno Blumer City visited the week enl how parents. Mr.

and Mrs. moll Pl A largo crowd gathered auditorulm to en'o: the Menor'al dav services. Mrs. Edward Keller and sons spent last week sting at the MelMontague home. Vr and Mrs.

In- ale 2n1 guests t'12 Pichem home. Thomas Botts, of Kansas City, was baptized Sunday. Her great aunt, Mrs. Gene Rueger gave a dinner in her honor. Those attending the dinner were: Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Botts of Kansas City, Mrs. lotte Driskel, Miss Nell Driskel, Mrs. Roy Cain, Mr. and Mrs.

Art Rueger, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Driskel of Kansas City and Father Nelligan. callers in the afternoon were Miss Kate Flanagan, Mrs. Butler, Mrs.

Ed Studer, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carpenter Bigelow.

The father-daughter banquet will be held at the church dining room of the the Methodist church Tuesday evening. June 7. Tickets must be reserved. Mo Mrs. Fred Larkin and Venita Fir'in of Manhattan visited Memori: 1 day with old friends.

and Mrs. Stehlek and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lindeen visited at the Melvin Mentague home. Miss Alta Behrens is home for with her parents, Mr.

and Vis Carl Stosz. Miss Mary Elizabeth Totten and Miss Charlene are 0111 from Manhat an, whor* they attended college. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Blast of Os ga City.

Mrs Blossi will be remembered as Mi Valasta Holcon. Miss Charlotte Ia-r" ie worleine "sville during summer vaca- M. Mrs. W. Modorn and Mrs.

put Samuelson 17aun cf and Mrs. F. Thee nIsa visited with Vlander who is home from dssert for the summer vacation. My. and Me Austin Krebs and family attended a family reunion at Havensville Memorial day.

Mos. Faul Peers and Miss Helen returned to their home in Brise. Idaho. Tuesday. Thee wow accompanied b- Mr.

and Mrs. D. Bvers who will -sit st t1-e Paul home for a few weeks. Mr. and Mos.

Frank Nanf were Truing visitors Tuesday. Anyone having news items please notify Mrs. F. W. Hadorn.

Mort' of Beattie 17 Mr and Are -t Kn Tor The Mission Creek Crate, Neb, Manorial I nies Aid met with Mrs. Gl home. aPe's T' ursda" a'ternoon. Nino Mics 1 a 011:1 stettler Don leis and of stmor beer is 11d fro and the out. tater 430 si ram.

lint of the and Yrs. Vick Cairo pond cornf With to Mrs. Edd Brucker 1 dit 109 3 in memory of 3 1 Joe Thora home. par or Mrs. Ben Nonner.

Use a as Greeting cards were ecl one ovEr Manorial lay r. Robl lected from the members to be glyand tall en to a missiora- who w'll use then ML2 of Darlene in his r. MIs. work in Africa. The ladies deand John Ames of Willing cited to bring tr e.r wra n.

Mra. Margarct Our 303 Swan stay nest time and send he 1d Mrs. Thor as volinson in a group to Care, Boston -1. tase bury. Nec.

w'ere each two wrapners wi'l he ex Kathleen Robert a Belts changed for one har of soap to be 8. daughter of Mr. a. sent to the needy in Europe. A let (First pull.

thed in The Marysville Ad orate, June 2, 1049) Marysvil'e Township, Marshall County, Kansas 1950 PROPOSED BUDGET Notice is herebv given that on the 20 day of June, 1919, the wnship Beard of Marysri le Township, Marshall County, Kansas, wil Exch Fans. Mar ille, 8 to mid 10 p. m. for the purpose nw rig ch ecti-ns taxpayers rel ting the propose pet and for the purpose of considering a en 'ments to such budge TAYS R. TARVIN, Trust e.

FRANK IOHNSON. Treasure: W. R. PINKHA'T, Clerk. Pr.

coding Cur.ent Pro osco Year Year Bad 1013 1940 1950 END GENERAL PUND diem of township auditing boar.I Bend Premiums offi sun lies hecti penso Maintenance of towns' tip he 11 Total Ex en har by towns be I'd Secel-ts: Unencumbered Tow: ship Ea'. ense, January 1 Ad v.l- property lax Inten thie tax Other sources transferred to rd County for election Hacer ts, Ineb ding 1, balance liti res by township beard Ine 91 Primary and general Total deductions $55,00 $30 on $30.0 50.00 2.18 20 00 20.0" 42. 2 50.00 69.00 00 20.00 20.00 115.10 150.00 130.0: 246 99 311.02 42.7° 180.73 180.86 180.0! 390.00 166.79 593.81 192.78 115.10 150 00 130.00 79 250.00 281.39 280.00 Balon 311.92 42.78 ROAD FUND of nshin of highway nors 13 machinery and cn 3. Other wag's coline 1s Culverts and culvert mitl. 11'11res Receipts: Township Pal- tax Cost Prim' 1118 expense Other sources 13.

Transferred fr. Gen. AS 213.35 247.00 210 07 500.00 500.00 500.00 702.00 2000.90 2100.00 01 2.000 on 500.00 899.00 1630.00 600.00 800.00 5,032.10 5,400.00 8,800 00 145.91 52.73 4,738.39 3,574 93 8,070.84 713.01 711.16 50- 15 10 01 18.0° 232.08 200.00 300.00 Total Poseints, Including unry 1. balance 5174.30 5.409.00 8.300.00 5. Less Fy, enditores (Line 33) 5.081.27 5,400.00 8,800.00 Balance forward 52.73 FUND Patel Expenditures 52.

Unencumbered Township Bal- Ad valorem promerty tax One dun sales 19. Park tax collections 420.69 500.00 500.00 no 00 05 100 490 98 397.1' 04 21 9.00 2.0 0 10. Total Receints Including Jenuary 1, balance 504.64 600.81 500.0" tures 01 500 4 Palan fo. ward 87.95 100.91 ter of thanks was read from Veterans Hospital in Topeka, where a box of bedside table covers had recently been sent. Mrs.

Edd Brucker won the hostess prize. Mrs. Bachoritch and Mrs. Ernest Brauch helped the hostess serve a delicious lunch of two kinds of sandwiches, pickles, strawberry shortcake and a fruit drink. The Julv meeting will be with Mrs.

Edd Brucker on the seventh. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jones and Plaine entertained with a supper Thursday in honor of Virginia Pierce of Eagle, Idaho. Other guests Included Mrs.

Mattie Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Milier, Wayne and Rosalie and Mr. and Mrs. Vick Crisp.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Smith, ir, and Denny Sunday afternoon with the Max family. spent, George Polsen a' tending Bible school at the Salem Lutheran church this week. Mrs.

Mattie Pierce and Virginia Pierce spent last week visiting the Lee Miller family. Additional guests there for dinner on Monday 101 Mrs. Alice Miller and Roy J. and Mrs. Stanley Wraver.

On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGra'1 and Chad toined the group for dinner. Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Polson end George were dinner guests of Mr. George Roesch and doug. Minnie Mahler in Beattie Sunday, Mrs. Maller who has been living 'n St. Louis came Saturday to make her home with her father.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and Allan spent Sunday afternoon wi'h the Arthur Kupfersmith family. Mr. and Mrs.

Wailnce Weave A Helen Jean were Sundav dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jon.s and Elaine. Mr. and Mrs.

Harlan Lillie and Bi'ly had d'nner with Mr. and Mrs. Vick Crisp Sunday. In the afternoon the Crisps accompanied Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Keller and to visit the Jim family near Wheaten where Mrs. Otto Grison Cell: of Toreka wire also guests. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Taken Cram renorfs furnished by Eddy and Eddy Abstracters Warranty Deeds Clara E. Red Pough et al to Trank B. Reid and wife, South the Melvin N.

Hurtie and wife to die Henderson, South Lots 1, 2, 3, block 72, Palmetto. $1. Quiet Claim Deeds Lawrence M. McGeeney and wife to J. F.

Garney and Monica Carney, Lot 17, block 12, Lillis. $1. Leo A. wife to C. May L.

Hanco*ck, 'block 17, Schramm, and, Marysville proper. $1. Marshall Co. Labor Union No 2, Marysville to Leo A. Schramm, Lot: 7 10, block 17, Mar svil: prop er.

$1. Executor Deeds thank Stanton, of Wm. Sheehv, Dec'd. to Harry E. Holland and wife, Lots, 13 and 14, Block 26, Vermillion.

$1,025. heri.f Deeds Kale Thomson, Sheriff to James T. McMahon, Southeast northcast and east 3-9. $7,200. MARYSVILLE NO PITAL.

AND CLINIC NOTES Mrs. James Clue R. pid dismissed May 23. Mrs. wrt rich.

Hanover, surgical, dismissed May 26. Cullimore, Frankfort. May 31. For easy drinking-water medication, here's new Dr. Salsbury's SULQUIN Liquid.

Use to prevent or control both cocal and intestinal coccidiosis also acute fowl cholera. Just mix in water per directions. Economical. Asl: us for SULQUIN Liquid. Simpson Drug Co.

Bobby Jean McKee, Topeka, sillectomy May 31. William Veatch, Hanover, admitted May 30. George Hardman, Marysville, surgical patient doing satisfactorily. Fred Lane, Hanover, dismissed May 29. Mrs.

Frank Meerian, Hanover, underwent surgery May 28. Roger Stanton, Marysville, treattoil of May 30. LANDELL HOSPITAL CLINIC NOTES Mrs. J. B.

Nider, City, a surgical patient, was Mrs. H. W. Emi.h, City, a med.a The Marysville Advocate Page Thursday, June 9, 1949 patient, was dismissed May 28. Mrs.

Fanny Sever, City, a medical patient, was dismissed May 28 Mrs. Chas. Jones, Irving, a surgical patient was dismissed May 28 Gene Bernasek, Axtell, underwent an appendectomy May 28. George Feldhausen. Home, surgical patient, was dismissed May 28.

Verna Flear, Barnes, was admitted as a medical patient May 21 and dismissed May 28. John Butler, City, was admitted as a medical patient May 30. Mrs. Vivian Nen! derwent an appendectomy May 30. (m 1859 Our Nintieth Anniversary Year 1949 MILD 7 MELLOWGolly OUNTRY COUNTRY COUNTRY (LUB PILSENER BEER LENER BEER BEER M.

K. GOETZ BREWING for famous for its St. Joseph, Kansas City, Mo. 59 So ask for COUNTRY CLUB when you ask for Beer! Smiles per Gallon More with to. eric meet Super.

White sidewall tires, as illustrated, available at extra cost. WHERE'S the smile when you slip like a veteran in two days you selector lever into Driving wouldn't be without it. notch -and realize that's all there is to do. Small wonder, then, that Dynaflow is the drive with which all new deThere's the smile when you swing velopments in transmissions are smoothly up to cruising speed with- compared. out halt or check or break of stride.

There's the smile traffic lights Not merely "something better," it is at when you halt, wait, then move away something entirely new, the first exwith never. a thought about shifting. citing chapter in a whole new book. Go learn for yourself how abunBut the broadest grin of all comes rich in pleasure gallon dantly every at the end of a long day's drive and becomes when you have Dynaflow. you find you've covered more miles more easily.

Even your treadle- -foot Your Buick dealer will be glad to so likely to become tired and demonstrate--glad to quote delivered cramped maintaining an even speed prices glad to talk terms of as fine in direct-drive cars -appreciates the a deal as you could want. Quid ease of Dynaflow. And you'll find glad surprise in the For Dynaflow Drivet is not merely delivery dates he is now mentioning. a new transmission. It's a new experience a new luxury in driving.

THAN EVER CLEARLY In ten minutes you are handling it on ROADMASTER, optional at extra cost on SUPER modela, Tune in HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Network, every Monday evening, BUICK alone Eras all these features Silk smooth DYNAFLOW FULLVIEW VISION from enlarged glass area SWING- -EASY DOORS and easy access "LIVING INTERIORS with DeepCradle cushions Buoyant-riding QUADRUFLEX COIL SPRINGING Lively FIREBALL STRAIGHT- EIGHT POWER with SELF- SETTING VALVE LIFTERS plus HI- POISED ENGINE MOUNTINGS Low- -pressure tires on SAFETYRIDE RIMS Cruiser- Line VENTIPORTS DUREX BEARINGS, main and connecting rods BODY BY WISHER Standard on POADMASTER, ontional al extra cost on SUPER models. When better automobiles are built BUICK will build them YOUR KEY TO GREATER VALUE The Thompson Company 706 Center Ma ys rille, Kansas.

The Marysville Advocate from Marysville, Kansas (2024)


The Marysville Advocate from Marysville, Kansas? ›

Marysville, the county seat of Marshall County, is a beautiful town located near the Big Blue River of northern Kansas.

What county is Marysville, Kansas in? ›

Marysville, the county seat of Marshall County, is a beautiful town located near the Big Blue River of northern Kansas.

What is the smallest county in Kansas? ›

Wyandotte County is the smallest county in Kansas, mostly between the Kansas and Missouri Rivers. The county is named after the Wyandot Indians. They were called the Huron by the French in Canada and were also known as the Wyandott or Wyandotte.

Is Marysville a city or town? ›

Marysville is a city and the county seat of Yuba County, California, located in the Gold Country region of Northern California.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.