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- Publication:
- Mound City News-Independenti
- Location:
- Mound City, Missouri
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
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MOUND CITY NEWS INDEPENDENT MOUND CITY HOLT COUNTY MISSOURI THURSDAY AUGUST 16 1956 ORTESCUE PCA Martin Joseph Mrs Wm Collison WEW Goss and fts the DRESSES real thirst quencher YOU LIKE IT You Are Always Welcome Here Come Look MINERAL SPRINGS LIKES YOU PRESENT CAR GROWING OLD and In the and limbs the roads Many blown over Want Ads Bring Quick Results Want Ads 2 Cents Per Word Iddings was a night through her aunt Mrs Mr and Mrs Arthur Carroll and daughter Alice served din ner Thursday for Mr and Mrs NORTH BETHEL (By Della Wellington) a repre in a re and Mrs the Ev Mr and Mrs Joe Bruce Bul lock and son spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs (DC Ham at Tec*mseh Nebr (Mrs Marietta McGuire of St Joseph spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Joseph Catron and family Mrs Essie Ramsey and Mrs Just Arrived or all distance at Sun You can enjoy thrill of new car ownership and Rocket Engine action now the Stone reunion relatives and friends Ramsey is spending with her niece Mrs Mitchell and husband at Dale visitors Mon Mr and (Mrs Leonard Hale Wilma and Dorothy Huffman Mrs Margaret Nelson Mr and Mrs Lon Bougher and George Coleman of Kansas City called on Mr and Mrs Tim Huffman Sunday The Clarence Wiltz family enjoyed a family picnic at Savannah Sunday Mr and Mrs Joseph Catron and family were visiting rela tives in Kansas City last week Mrs Howard Dodson took friends for a car ride Sunday afternoon to see the damage done by the storm Those in the party were Mrs Chas Hath away of Lancaster Mo Jody here ard Mrs City Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rowlett and Mr and Mrs Bob Rowlette were St Joseph visitors Mon day Mr and Mrs John Gomel had as their' guest Sunday her' 5 mother Mrs Ida Keller Mrs Robert Beiber of Cedar Rapids Mrs Katherine Crowley of Tulsa Mrs Prather Mr and Mrs A Wellington took dinner Tuesday with Mrs Blanche Griffith Miss Rebecca guest Monday Wednesday of Clemma Lewis Mr and Mrs and Mrs Lennie McPike were Saturday guests of Mr and Mrs Lester Rowlett Mr and Mrs Howard Duncan and son David spent the week end in Chicago with relatives Slip Ons $398 Cardigans $595 In the Wanted New all Colors all Styles Nellie Don Vicky Vaughn Tony Tod Bea Young Jonathan Logan Barbette Junior Sizes Size 5 through 15 Regular 10 through 20 Half Sizes 12 Js through 2U4 $595 to $1995 The annual family picnic of the Mineral Springs Club mem bers and their families was held Thursday evening in the City( Cummins and family of Maryville Mr and Mrs Max Bartram St Joseph and Mr and Mrs rancis Carroll Mr and Mrs Andes spent the week end in Jeffer son City where he was tentative of the gional meeting Mr and Mrs were St day Those tending day were Rev and Mrs Dil ley and family of Kansas City Rev and Mrs Gene Gnagy and family of Plattsburg Ralph Skaggs of Warrensburg and Jas Renz of Elgin Rev and Mrs Vernon Mer key were in Kansas City Th ursday to attend a ministerial meeting Their daughter Anne was an over night guest of Mrs Lloyd Rowlett spend Mr their Lillie Seattle Wash last week where she boarded a plane to Anchor age Alaska to band who is farces Mr and Mrs family Mr and Mrs Don Irwin and son spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Jas Hinkle Work in the community since the wind storm last Wednes day night has been cleaning up the damage caused by the storm The road district had a crew of men out opening up the streets in town country where trees were blown across and blocking them antenas were either on the roofs or badly bent Not too much damage was done to the corn Both the A and the Missouri Service electric lines were out for a while Te lephone service was also hamp ered by 'broken lines join her hus in the armed Harry 'Ramsey of Wheatland Wyo arrived Thursday to at tend visit Essie week erett Easton Mo Mr and Mrs Tim Huffman and Mr and Mrs Leo Henry attended the horse show at alls City Monday night Mr and Mns Jack Huffman Mr and Mrs Emery Neiman and family of Chillicothe Mr and Mrs Roy Stone Jr and family of Kansas City spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Roy Stone Sr Mr and Mrs Howard Carter of Wichita and their son How ard Leon and family left Satur day for Alexandra Minn to a week fishing and Mrs John Boyd took daughter in law Boyd and children to You can know the satisfaction of driving a style leader that rides and handles like the hig car it is right now MOUND city from a church services SWEATERS Hi Bulk Orlons Scotch Knap Wool Your Size In Either Park Mr and Mrs Richard Lewis were guests The Gordon Nauman family and Tommie and Debbie Nau man of airfax took supper riday evening with Mr and Mrs Wm Buntz Mrs reda ogg was a caller Saturday afternoon of Mr and Mrs Wm Buntz Mr and Mrs rank Buntz rank leming and Mr and Mrs Wm Buntz attended Mrs John funeral Saturday afternoon Mr and Mrs rank Buntz and Mr and Mrs Ed Kershner visited Monday afternoon at the Lee Stephenson home Mr and Mrs Richard Lewis were Sunday dinner guests of the Dean Gillis family Mr and Mrs Jack Loucks spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Richard Lewis Mr and Mrs Harold Brown ing and family of Los Gatos Calif Ms Sallie Browning and Ardis Ann Davis of airfax were visitors riday of Mr and Mrs Cole Wilson Mr and Mrs John Gillis took a trip over the week end to visit the Paul Browning family at Crystal City Mo They also visited points of interest in the Ozarks Mr and Mrs Wm Buntz call ed on Mr and Mrs John Scott near orest City Monday after noon Mrs Catron who is visiting from Korea Mrs Rich Hinderliter of Rock Port Emma Bridgmon Mound and Mrs Joe Catron Sr Mr and Mrs Robert Norris and family of Independence spent Monday night with Mr and Mrs Walter Boyd Carl Adkison went to Albia la riday to visit his daugh ter Mrs Wm Penny and fam ily Mrs Penny was in the hos pital a few days for minor surg ery He returned Sunday even ing Mr and Mrs Glen Crews and children of Omaha Mr and Mrs Lafe Boyd Bigelow were calling on friends and relatives here Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Rolla Schmidt and son and Mrs Delia Boyd spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs Tom Huston Mr and Mrs Lester Mitchell of Mound City Mr and Mrs Ike Crews spent Sunday with i Mr and Mrs Everett Mitchell of I zston Mo rfhe Tine lb EMi Mil You can congratulate yourself on making a trade while your present value is high especially right now! And you can expect more when you sell because your inve stment holds when you go over to Olds I n'l' yw I I nn HOLIDAY COUPS IVIO Bl HIK VJSa political BOOKLETI ALWAYS WELCOME AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE QUALITY CROUSE BROS MOTORS Phone 19 or Visit 302 Nebrazk Street BE CAL Holt Drive In Theatre THURSDAY RIDAY SATURDAY AUGUST 16 17 18 In Technicolor "The Conqueror" The greatest picture to come out of Hollywood in 20 years STARRING John Wayne Susan Hayward SUNDAY MONDAY AUGUST 19 20 In Technicolor "Thunder Over The Plains" Super Western with lots of spills and thrills STARRING Randolph Scott Phyllis Kirk TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AUGUST 21 22 23 In Color "Man With A Million" A Million Bucks Babes and Laughs STARRING Gregory Peck Jane Griffiths 1.
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About Mound City News-Independent Archive
- Pages Available:
- 24,496
- Years Available:
- 1897-1964