Mound City News-Independent from Mound City, Missouri (2024)

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Mound City News-Independenti

Mound City, Missouri

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MOUND CITY NEWS INDEPENDENT MOUND CITY HOL? COUNTY MISSOURI THURSDAY JULY 17 1952 Mr and Mrs rank Lewis evening MINERAL SPRINGS Clinger rear Mound NEW POINT i Mrs Strother Boswell visited Mr and Mrs Albert Boyd and li X1JU mWL1 WVJU 4UL1 wa a daughters spent Sunday with Catron of St Joseph He is sur Edith and Mabel Lent Tuesday EED MONEY EED MONEY REE! LU 2 A ederal Land Bank Loan GIVES YOU ALL OUR Guaranteed Two Years LU Breakage 2 BIGGER YIELDS or PAY MJ RIEND Colliers OR EED OR A LIMITED TIME SURE! LU MV LU HOG EED with you LU 2 MISSOURI GROWERS Inc UJ EED MONEY EED MONEY A Little DOWN UNDER Yields A LOT on arming ytyJjyiGEN APPLIED DOlftN UNDER WHERE IT ROOT ZONE LU UJ LU UJ LU UJ UJ Kneale and Mrs Kneale and daughter Mrs Wm Bunts took dinner Sunday with Mrs Pete ultz A Little DOWN UNDER YIELDS A LOT ON TOP!" MJ UJ my for Against Oven No I said 2 beers in 1 Anhydrout Am monia is the modern sci entific way to get hill re sults from your nitrogen investment It is metered into your soil by accurate equipment your own or by a nearby custom applicator Mr mnd Mrs Roy Bender of Maitland visited Tnunsday after noon at life Cleo Bender home 5 Mr and and Mrs Geo Luns ford and Mrs I I Adkison visited Thursday with Mr and Mrs Waller Boyd Mrs Beulah Poland has been a victim of the mumps the last week Mrs rank Caln visited Ed ith and Mabel Lent Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Ike Boyd were Elmo visitors riday Carl Adkison was a rupper guest of Mr and Mrs I I Ad kison Sunday evening 2 UJ LU Mrs rank Buntz and Mrs Nauman Thursday af ternoon callers at the Wm Bun tz home Mrs Sam Batheaur and her daughter Mrs Wilber Dubois and four daughters of Anderson Ind left Tuesday morning for their homes after spending a week here with Mrs sister Mrs John Hood Rev and Mrs A Moorman of Omaha visited Monday with Miss Viola Potts and her father Otis Potts Air and Mrs Clifford Armack took their son Teddy to St Jo seph riday morning where his tonsils were removed He re turned homp Sunday Mr and Mrs Albert Bender and Carl spent Monday even ing with her father Ed Buntz at the Missouri Methodist Hospital in St Joseph Mr and Mrs Lawrence and Deann spent Sunday at the uhrman home Mrs Clinton Grasty and chil dren visited Sunday at the Ray mond Gillenwater home Mrs Grace Drake Is spending a few days in Kansas City Mr and Mrs Eugeie Tubbs and family spent Sunday even ing with Air and Mrs Chas Walden and family Mrs Lee Herbert was hostess to the Presbyterian Missionary Society Wednesday afternoon Ten members answered roll call Miss Bess Combs of St Jovph was a visitor Mr and Mrs Rolla Schmidt and William took supppr Tues day evening with Mr and Mrs Ike Boyd Raymond Gillenwater Com bined oats for Wm Buntz Th ursday home Sunday from St Louis where she had been with her sister Airs Allen May who has been UL at will Mr and Mrs Ward Mr and Mrs Lester Lunsford and family and Mr and Mrs Will Lunsford of orest City spent BIGELOW Bcr Russell Stroud The Meyer Buntz and fam ily and Mrs Gordon Nauman left early riday morning for St Louts to visit until Wednes day with the the Billie Bun tz family Mr and Mrs Jas Walden Jerry Gilland and Timmie Wal den visited Mr and Mrs Car roll Gilland and children in Th urman la Tuesday Miss Caro lyn Gilland returned home with thnm LOUS ELUMB Craig Mo ROY MAJERIUS Rulo Nebraska DAY Maryville Mo HOMER DUDLEY Tarkio Mo Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lemmon of Rosendale visited Sunday af ternoon with Mr and Mrs Lentz ire King Ovenware As you know all nitrogen is in short supply So arrange now for your fall application Laarrt how Anhydrous Ammonia will benefit your farm your yield Call or write today Nb obligation of course Mr and Mrs Geo Lunsford Mrs Albert Boyd and daughter Barbara were alls City visitors Tuesday Mr and Mrs Ray Shorty of Peoria Ill visited "from Tues day until Thursday with Mr and Mrs Glen uhrman Mr Shorey and Glen were in service together Did you say 2 beers? HANDLES WITHOUT WASTE Anhydrous Ammcrua handled as a liquid by custom ap plets or your own equipment) No waste No bam or shed space Nothing to vived by his wife and two child ren Jannice and Chas Jr mother three brothers and one sister Burial was at Gallup New Mexico July 15 Mr and Mrs Eugene Stroud and children of St Joseph were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Glen uhrman Mr and Mrs Larry Chunlng spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs McKee in Craig Mr and Mrs Meyer Bunt and family of Omaha and Mr and Mrs Gordon Nauman took supper Thursday evening with Mr and Mrs Wm Buntz Mr and Mrs Wm Buntz were riday evening callers of Mr and Mrs rank ogg Jlr and Mrs Alton and sons of Panora Iowa spent last Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Owen le ntz Mr and Mrs Milton Bumbacher and family and Joe Bumbacber of St Joseph were afternoon visit ors NATIONAL ARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Mr and Mrs Ed Catron re ceived word Saturday of the death of Dr Chas Raymond Catron of Gallup New Mexico Mr Catron was the son of the late Chas Catron and Nellie Bellas Jo Ann from Tulsa Okla call ed on Mrs lYed Dreher and Edith and Mabel Lent riday afternoon Your local oooincn Representative I can show you how to protect your most valuable farm asset your 'ability to work He will be happy to discuss your Life Accident Health or Hospitaliza tion insurance needs He is ST JOSEPH MISSOURI RUCKER Secretary Treasurer Aathaatic Checks reve Praflt The average of hundreds of authentic field and yield checks prove the following to bo true: (1) Anhydrous Ammonia produces amaz ing increases from com wheat oats hay or pasture (2) Anhydrous Ammonia pays off on the average better than three to one whether cash corn or small grain or extra pounds of pork cr beef or gallons of extra milk production (3) Benefits over and above the 3 to I ratio carry over on into the sec ond year The soil retains the nitrogen left over from first year crop growth Any of the custom applicators listed below will be glad to talk both results and cost Give him a call today! The prospects for a corn crop look good but not losing time and money on hogs while waiting the corn I USE SILAS COMBS Dist Mgr Mound Citv Mo Phone 513 I Big Results rem all Applications for Corn Small Grains Hay or Pasture Mrs Billy Joe Meyer was hostess to the Sunshine Pal Club at her home Thursday af ternoon for the July meeting Ten members answered roll call It was decided te have the an nual picnic supper Monday ev ening July 28 at the Bender Park AH former members and thhr families are invited Re freshments were served The Au gust meeting will be with Mrs Sam PJanalp GOETZ BREWING COMPANY ST JOSEPH KANSAS CITY MO NAZARENE MISSIONARY SOCIETY ELECTS Mr and Mrs Marlon Lemmon and two sens of Milwaukee and her mother Mrs Lula Boswell who had been visiting there and with her daughter Mrs Chas Barnes and family at Chi cago came Sunday evening for a few days visit with his father Claude Izinon and his brother rank Lemon and family Skidmore Mrs Bosw II spend the summer here Now is the time to get set for big yields next yeer Why? Because fall is an ideal time to apply Anhydroua Ammonia four to six inches down under the surface of the toil You gain three ways by fall application: (1) you save valuable time in the busy spring weeks ahead (2) reap three dol lars four dollars some times even more in extra yield for every dollar you invest in this fall (3) have the 82 pure nitrogen safe in your end you may not be able to get it next spring 0 Why Down Under Really Pays OH Anhydrous Am monia is 82 pure nitro and when deposited down under the surface of the soil by the applicator blade it stays in the root zone without loss or leach ing ready to feed full benefit direct to nearby roots Mrs Htnry Zeller and daugh ter and Charlotte DeLong of Maywood Calif are visiting Mrs father Charles El der and brother Elmer Mrs Seller as the former Lena Eld er Mr Mrs Brock Louden and Jimmie and Miss Carol Watson of Oregon visited Sun day afternoon with Mr and Mrs Cleo Bender and Joyce and Mrs Conrad Watson THE BEER Why does Country Club look bright taste bright? Because only Country Club is made from 2 fully aged beers one light one dry Result: mmm! The Bright Beer! You enjoy it! Country Club! Mr and Mrs Colp Wilson spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Ike Boyd Sunday and Monday with Mr and Mrs Leroy Lunsford at Cal I houn Mo Mr and Mrs Vebes and chil dren of Sioux City la are visiting Mr and Mrs Vance Gutting and daughter MISSOURI PISTER GROWERS Inc) CARROLLTON MISSOURI eed Supply Co Maitland Mo OK St Joseph eed Supply Company The Yeiluvt Building 4 Btuckb Northwest of LHentock Exchange 232 Packer Avenue South St Joseph Mo HEAR LARRY EJILRT JIOMIAV IHROtGII RIDAY )ve YIELD POWER THAT PAYS Available nit' ogen is key to 82 pure ni trogen applied rijht into root xoue jumps money yield really pay oil in extra profit Ed Buntz was taken to the Missouri Methodist HospitalSaturday for observation Mrs Buntz and Mra red MarkL are In St Joseph with him INANCE PLAN STRAIGHT INTO ROOT ZONE An hydrous Ammonia ia in jected down into soil 4 to 6 inches No leach ing Stays down moist root zone where it all produces profit Miss Gloria Ann Gillis left Monday for New Mexico where she will visit friends Mrs John Gillis returnfd Mrs Tom Cain Is vlritlng her cousins Mrs Ed Mdtey and Mrs Mollte city ANHYDROUS AMMONIA by Phillips 66 GOES ON EVDNLY Anhydrous Am monia is aonlied uni formly actually into soil Noth ing to blow away or lose strength It all goes down under where it counts I If I 11 CENTRAL LIE INSURANCE CO Old Une I I Componies st I she 1890 LINCOLN NEBRASKA ag WITH THE PURCHASE ONE TON Major and Mrs Victor Skov and Nancy of Laredo Air orce Rase Laredo Texas wre Mon day evening visitors of Mrs Randall 1 LONG TERMS LOW INTEREST ULL REPAYMENT PRIVIL" GES NO RENEWALS A Dividend Was Paid On Our Stock This Year Oo ied 10 the ZORs YOU CAN BUY COMPLETE HO EED and pay for it when ycu sell the hogs At the annual meeting of the oreign Missionary Society of the Church of the Nazareiyj last Thursday after noon the following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres Wilbur Luna Vice Pies Mrs Melvin Spoon Scc Trcas Mrs Wm Buntz Study Supt Mrs Harry uhr man Publicity Chairman Mrs Clyde Kunkel Delegates to the District convention are: Mrs Wilbur Luna Mrs Earl Gillis Mrs Melvin Spoon and Mrs El burn Meadows 1 rV I I 411m ii nitti" 7 a tv rn IIS 12 PiCE SET iS 1 4A vi Ilf WMYTTWm UH ''Zvi til 4 tol 1 I VT Bwk Ymm all AmUcvNm Naw liCiliii SI Za Az 4 A NOW A a I BSrv xvIEs'GjI 1 A 3rvi tbisA I I fmgl i.

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Mound City News-Independent from Mound City, Missouri (2024)


What is Mound City known for? ›

Mound City is named for the Indian Mounds that the original town was built on and was an important trading town and ferry landing directly across the river from Memphis during the 1800's.

How did Mound City, Missouri get its name? ›

Indigenous People Early History: pre-1764

The indigenous people in the area built numerous temple and residential earthwork mounds on both sides of the Mississippi River. Cahokia Mounds being the regional center. The many major earthworks within St. Louis boundaries earned the the city the nickname "Mound City".

Is Mound City in Kansas or Missouri? ›

The City of Mound City, population 1159, is located in Holt County in Northwest Missouri halfway between Kansas City, MO and Omaha, NE with direct access from I-29 at exit 84.

How many mounds are in Mound City? ›

This wonder of the ancient world was constructed by Native Americans over many centuries between A.D. 1- 400. Mound City Group's walls enclose at least two dozen mounds in an area larger than ten football fields.

What is Mound City, Kansas famous for? ›

Mound City is also roughly 5 miles from the famous Battle of Mine Creek, which ended up being a strategic victory for Union forces in Kansas, and finally drove the Confederates back into Missouri. In modern times, the site where the Battle of Mine Creek took place is now a historic site.

What is a person from St. Louis called? ›

People from St. Louis are generally called St. Louisans. This follows the pattern for many cities and states.

What is one of the Mound Builders cities that disappeared? ›

Many of Cahokia's original mounds were destroyed by modern farming, road building and housing developments.

What did Missouri used to be called? ›

The Territory of Louisiana was renamed the Territory of Missouri on June 4, 1812 after the Territory of Orleans became the State of Louisiana. The first session of the Missouri's territorial General Assembly met in St. Louis on October 1, 1812.

What City is in both Missouri and Kansas? ›

Today Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, remain two separately incorporated cities but together, along with a number of other cities and suburbs, as part of the Kansas City Metropolitan area. 1961 map of the Greater Kansas City area showing the city's expansion outward from the Missouri and Kansas rivers.

What is the elevation of Mound City, Missouri? ›

Why is Kansas City in Missouri but not Kansas? ›

Kansas City, Mo., was incorporated in 1853, eight years before Kansas became the 34th state. The Missouri city took its name from the Kansas River — which was inspired by the Kanza People, Native Americans of the Kaw Nation — and was originally called the City of Kansas. It became Kansas City in 1889.

What are the Mound Builders famous for? ›

From c. 500 B.C. to c. 1650 A.D., the Adena, Hopewell, and Fort Ancient Native American cultures built mounds and enclosures in the Ohio River Valley for burial, religious, and, occasionally, defensive purposes. They often built their mounds on high cliffs or bluffs for dramatic effect, or in fertile river valleys.

What is mound MN known for? ›

Mound boasts Lake Minnetonka, which is 15,000 acres; 32 parks, 311 public dock sites, a state of the art skate park, and the Dakota Rail Trail - a hard surface biking and walking trail that extends 21.3 miles from Wayzata to Mayer that provides panoramic views of Lake Minnetonka along the way.

What is Mound Bayou famous for? ›

Mound Bayou, in the Mississippi Delta: a town founded in 1887 by former slaves, with a vision that was revolutionary for its time. From the start, it was designed to be a self-reliant, autonomous, all-black community. For decades, Mound Bayou thrived and prospered, becoming famous for empowering its black citizens.

What is the most famous mound? ›

The early earthworks built in Louisiana around 3500 BCE are the only ones known to have been built by a hunter-gatherer culture, rather than a more settled culture based on agricultural surpluses. The best-known flat-topped pyramidal structure is Monks Mound at Cahokia, near present-day Collinsville, Illinois.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.