The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana (2024)



INC. TEN and Trouble, Use The Tribune Want-Ads Save Time, Money By Edgar Martin LEGALS Kokomo, Irdluna. CLASSIFIED Effective ADVERTISING 1st, 1930 RATES Februury Ca 8 Average Charge 9.110 4500 Cash 44410 Charge NANCE Words. KOKOMO TRIBUNE .25 .35 .40 Up to 10 2 11 to 15 .36 .46 .90 14 to 20 AX .60 1 1,20 31 to 25 61 .60 1 .75 1.50 26 to 30 .00 1.90 31 to 35 1 .84 7 1.05 2.10 to 40. 8 1 .06 1.20 2:10 36 41 to 46 9 1.08 1.35 2.70 "36 to 30 10 1.20 1.50 3.00 Cash rate appllex when Ad Is last size of any one ad Minimum is 2 lines (up to 10 average words).

0 All classified ads wil! be counted on the basis of 7-point 0 When not consecutive insertions, one day rate applies, Cash rate applice when Ad Is 7 days from date of paid within las: Insertion. 0 Count 5 average words to a line. An average word la a word of six letters. 0 White space used at top, bottotn or between lines will be charged on 7-point type basis. Tribune Classified Advertising PHONE YOUR AD Dial 3131.

ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-Deatha -Flowers And Mourning Goods 3-- In Memoriam -Cards 1 of Thanks -Monumenta and Cemetery Lou -Funeral Directors 7-Personal 8-Relixious and Social Eventa Line sad Lodires 10-Strayed. Lost Found AUTOMOTIVE A--Automobile Axenelus 11-Automoblica for Sale 12-- Auto Trucka for Sale 12A-Trailers Accessorias. Tires, Parta 13-Apto 14-Garagek-Auton for Bleyelea Hire 15-Morocyelas and Stations 16-Repairing-Service 17-Wanted -Automotive BUSINESS SERVICE 18-Business Service Contracting Offered 19-Building nnd 20-Cleaninz, Dyeing. and Renoratina Millinery -Heating, Plumbing. Roofing 23-Inauranca and Surety Honds Lnundering 25-Moving.

Trucking, Storage Decornting 26-Painting, Papering. 27-Printing. Engraving. Binding Services 28A -Beauty Shops 29-Repairing And 20-Tailoring 31-Wanted-Businesa and Service Pressing EMPLOYMENT Wanted--Female 33-Help Wanted -inla 334-Salcamen 34A-Ericoladies and Female 37- -Soil citors, Canvasers, Agents 36-Sicantione Wanted -Female 37-Situntions Wanted -Male FINANCIAL Opportunitian 30-Investment, Stocky, Bonds 40-Money to Lonn. Mortgages 41-Wanted -To Borrow INSTRUCTION 49-Correspondence Courses 43-Local Instruction Clanses 437.

-Female Inntruction Inntruction 44-Murical, Dancing. Dramatic. Private foxtruction LIVESTOCK Cate and other pets 49-Floraer, Castle, Hoga 49-Poultry and Supplies 50-- Wanted -Livestock MERCHANDISE 51-Article: for Salo G1A-Barter and Exchange and Accessories G3-Bullding and Office Equipment 64A-Electrical 50-Farm and Dalry Producta 664-Farm Equipment 60-Fuel. Feed, Fertilizers -Good Things to F.nt 58-Flome-mado Things 50-Household Goods 60-Tewelry, Wutches, Damonds 61-Machinery and Tools 63-Musical Merchandise 62A -Radio Eculpment Flowers 64-Specials at Stores 55-Wenring Apparel 66-Wanted -To Buy ROOMS AND BOARD 67-Rooma With Board 69-Rooms, Without Board 69-Rooms for Housekeeping 50-Vnention Places 71 Where To Ent 72-- Where to Stop In 'Town Rooms or Board REAL ESTATE FOR RENT nnd Flats Th Businena Pinces for Rent 76-Farms and for Rent 77-Howta for Rent for Rent 53-Office Deak Rooms 59-Sbore and Mour Win -For Rent 80-Suburban for a Rent -To Rent REAL ESTATE FUR SALE Property tor Sale 83-Farma and Lnnd for Sate 81-- HOUREN for Sale tor Snio 56-Lotr To: Sale or Exchange 37-Suhurban for Sule 88-To. Exchange- Real Estate Wanted -Renl Entite AUCTION.

90-Auction Sales LEGALS 91-Legal Notices BUS SCHEDULE To Indianapolis 6:40 $:35 0.: p. 0.. 3:40 p. IC 5:25 p. $7:35 p.

12:05 a. mn. and holidays. To Peru and South Bend. L0 D.

2:20 pa-, 4:30 p. m. 7:00 D. 00. 10:55 p.

To Loransport, 7:00 11:25 a. m-, 6:28 mes 10:55 D. 00. Chicago. 7:00 D.

11:23 n. D. aL To A m', $30 p. D. To.

Marion Fort Wayne. 6:40 A. 10:00 1:45 D. 5:30 p. m.

To Frankfort 7:00 A 10:00 01 5:26 p. To Muncie, Richmond and Cincinnati. 7:00 A. 10:00 a. 1:45 p.

5:30 D. m. (6:80 m. Sundny only.) Burlington Lafayette. 10:00.

TO 1:30 p. 6:40 D. (7:40 Sunday only.) Legal Notices .70 1.08 1.20 4.16 1 4.08 1,00 1.00 J.62 1.80 6,24 1.32 2.16 2.40 8.32 9.80 1.60 2.70 8.00 10.40 11.70 1.98 3.24 3.00 12.48 14.01 2.31 8.78 4.90 14.56 10.38 2.61 4.38 4.88 2.97 4.86 5.40 3.30 7 5.40 0.00 6.00 paid within 7 day's from date insertion. No cuts or borders permitted in classified columns. reserved to classify, reRight vise or reject any classified advertisem*nts.

0 No Information given pertaining to "Blind 0. Classified nccepted up to 12 o'clock noon for each day's ediAds received after 12 will tion, In next day's evening edl. appear tion, Classified Display Per inch, per insertion, 90c 10 50 carb discount if paid hy 10th of fullowing month providing there is nu unpaid balance. LOST -Small black purse. 815 West Elm street.

LOST -Ladles' yellow gold Gruen, downtown. Reward. Phone 1702W, Peru, collect. ANNOUNCEMENTS Strayed, Lost, Found 10 AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 11 Steer a Safe Course In Buying a Used Car Try Out Any of Our Cars To Your Entire Satisfaction. 30-Day Guarantee 1937 scdan-radio, Ford deluxe Tr.

$475 1937 radio. Ford henter, deluxe fog coupe $445 1931 heater Ford Tr. tudor $395 193B paint, Dodge Tr. beater cudor $375 new: 1936 cheater Chevrolet master $345 1936 Ford -radio, deluxe heater Tr. $375 1938 ton--heater Ford pick up hall $475 1936 heater Graham gis tudor $295 1935 tudor Ford $235 1935 Ford half-ion $235 pick-up 1933 Ford $145 sedan EVERY CAR PRICED IN PLAIN FIGURES.


HENDERSON. 1001 N. Washington St. Phone 9763. SALE OR -My 1931 Magter Buick Victoria, 5 passenger Coupe.

trade for a late model Fordor car and pay the difference. Inquire at S. Broadway, Peru, Ir.d., Phonc 1349. 1927 White Truck; 1923 Chevrolet! Coupe. These cars.

may be had chcap. Sims Telephone Co. Ph 450 Auto Trucks for Sale L2 Models A '20 Pickup. and '31 2-door. 1001 North Washington.

International truck ton. Good mechanical Cheap. Sweency Coal Yard, Grechtown. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13. 6-tube Car Radio, $14.

Phone 6101 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 2nd house N. of 1 Custom butchering. Anynes Monument. Ph. Blacksmith, welding, bring your plow troubles to 112 W.

Jeffergon. Repairs for any make Washer or Vacuum Cleaners. Vacuum Clean-: erg Sales and Sorvice, 117 South Talon. Phone 5518. Light hauling and delivery service.

Coopor's Parcel Dellvery, Pb. 9110. Washer or awcoper service. Vaults to clean and trash to boul Covi Palmer. 6933.

Decorating 28 Painting, Papering, Painting puperhanging. Ph. 7196 Beauty Shops 28-8 Oil permanents $1.00 special. Kelly Beauty Shop, 916 N. Waublugton GUARANTEED OIL PERMANENT WAVES, 75c.

KOKOMO BEAUTY SHOP E. SYCAMORE ST. OVER STAR CLOTHING STORE $5.00 Duart oil permanent, $3.00.1 Specializing in halr tinting. VERA'S BEAUTY SHOP. Repairing Rofinishing 29 Respringing cushions and robulld-.

ing base springs. Cheep. Call at 1519 South Unlon strect. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Female 32 Experienced beauty operator, Kelly Uptown Beauly Shop, over Duke's. Girl for housework.

Home nights. 748 South Washington. WANTED -Housckeeper, Age 21 tol 40; permanent; full charge. wldC-3, CATA Tribune. ower's a home.

Light work. Box Girl or woman to help care for invalid' lady in country. Address Box D-4, care of Tribunc. Enroll now for February classes. No down Two years to pay.

Fox Beauty School. Ph. 5577. Help Wanted--Male 33: Indiana State. Employment -Experienced in outside sales electric appliances.

23-30. 2ND FLOOR-223 NO. MAIN ST. No Fee Charged ABLE MAN to distribute samples, handlo Coffee Route. Up to week.

Automobile given as bonus, Write MILLS. 7005 Monmouth, Cincinnati, Ohio. for Saturdays. LEO'S BARBER SHOP, Superior. Married man to: work 'on farm.

Must be' capable of taking full reof 100- acre Surm. Will furnish house, garden, etc. Ph 96885 Situations Wanted -Female 36 To care for children. Phone 9-0584 HOUSEWORK. 1125 N.

Morrison. PRACTICAL NURSING. Ph. 3670. Situations Wanted--Malc 8T Married man wants job on form: good references.

Box E-5, Tribune. 'Experienced Box 77, farmer care of wants Tribuna. farm on Experienced farm hand wants job. 1 Phone Center 46740. Young.

man experienced in ing, wants work In home or. farm. Phone 0719. Cattle, Fogy 48; Male calf, 3 days old, 34; 5 north on. Webster street road.

Guy Boles, tenant. Phone 9176. TO TRADE- Good, triad, hred sow. to register, for Guernsey Ol' Jerscy fresh or due to freshen soon. Box B-2, Tribune.

10 fresh and heavy springer's dairy Jerscy and Guernsey. Merle Stevens. Inquire Kraft Cheese Plant, Sharpsville. Horses, Cattle. Hoya 1 apringer cow.

0. E. TYNER, miles South of Kokomo. Smooth mouth mare, 1500 lbs. Tom Alexander, 3-8 mile W.

of Hemlock, SALE. OR TRADE-6 good ewes. DAVE CARTER, Sharpsville. Fresh cows with calves und bred; DON SUTTON, E. Syca-! more Road.

Phone 9-6894. Poland China. bred sows and 40 at farm mileg North of gilts, Kokomo, 'Roud 31. Fall bear; pigs. Buy' a bred sow and raise your "4-H club pigs.

JOHN W. SOUDER. Poultry Supplies 49 130 plain austra white pullets for sale. 2 miles North of Windfall. STARTED CHICKS Hatched Jan.

10 and.17. Will make market. 1 week $10; 2 weeks Easter 3 weeks $14.20. Prepare houses -come. olds Jan.

31-Feb. 14. and 28, Order for March and April, HOOSIER HATCHERY Michigantown, Ind. LIVESTOCK MERCHANDISE Articles For Sale 51 FULLER BROOM, $9c: furniture polish free with forited duster. 9365 Swap Sele-Trade.

Stoves. 112 W. Jefferson Furm Equipment 55-A Air tired W. C. Allis Chalmers tractor, two 1938 all crop harvesters, 193G F12 tractor with A A A cultivator plow, 'two 10-20 I.

H. C. tractors. Indiana tractor and plow, Bear Cat hummer mill, Ohio spreader, new soil Miter, rotary Black hoes and cultipackers, new planters, another I. Hawk corp H.

C. baler in good shape, plenty of horses and cows. Gilbrenth Imp. 925 N. Armstrong.

COOD FORDSON TRACTOR and PLOWS. Phoce 9-6282. Feed, Fertilizers 5G Fuel, FARMERS: Hogs do not have sore stomachs and bowels when Amos Mineralized Hog. Tonics fed. of this stomach and bowel trouble is all uncalled for.

Cut! your feed bill down to 522 per ton by using your own feed and Amos Mineralized Hog Tonic Formula. will not be bothered with You your pigs shoats having sore stomachs and bowels. Amos Pig Tonic and 219 West Grow Jefferson Kokomo. Gond Things. to Cut 57 17c dozen: potatocs, 17c Fresh eggs, peck; apples, 10 15s.

25c; grape10 for 250; bananas, 3 lbs. fruit, 2c oniors, 5.lbs. 10c: cabbage, 10c; milk. Nutro 4 fall cans 19c; and Carnation 4 for 25c; 1h. sack 13c; corn zacal, 5 Wilson.

flour, 5 9c: crackers, 2 lb. box 13e. Ibs. Free delivory orders $1 or BARGAIN FRUIT MARKET. Washington.

Phone 5845 825 N. Broilers, fryers and rousts. W. Justice, Phono 0-0577. We liver.

of hens. 145 S. Plate. PL 7163 Plenty Houschold Goods 59 Thursday Specials Used Modern Bed. Room SuiteA condition.

Room Suite, $160 valuc a Used 2-Pc. Living $98.50 Used Medium size Morence circulator--lice now. 11-Tube Grunow radios value. $49.95 price Used. 5-Pc.

value Breakfast $27.50 Hopkins Inc. .210 W. Walnut. LINOLEUM HEADQUARTERS Felt base' remnants 3c and 1c sq. It.

Room sizos. Bring measurement TINKLER'S 120 E. Sycamore. Phone 3747 USED SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS One drop head machine, 2 other fine machines, 1 with Anger motor and controller, machines fully guaranteed. SINGER SEWING MACHINE 213 North Buckeye.

Your old window shades reversed, including new pulls, 15c. One day service. Tinkle's Floor Covering Store, 120 E. Sycamore. Ph.

.6747, Hoover and Eureka Modernized! Cleaners, $9.95 und down, 50c wookly. Stain HOPKINS! 319 North street. STUDIO COUCH. 320 E. Walnut.

Seeds, Plants, Powers 69 Phone 9303 for Empire State Nursery Stock. Fruit trees, grapes, berries, flowers, shrubs af all kinds. See W. A. Underwood, District Manager.

1734 S. Buckeye Wearing Apparel 65 Clean used clothing, coats, dresses, up to size 46. E. Sycamore. MERCHANDISE Household Goods ROOMS AND BOARD Board 68 Sleeping Room.

414 North Union. Sleeping Rooms. 214 Cast Wolnut Room In private home, 'reference 1117 W. Sycamore: 7874 required. Sleeping 218 East Taylor.

Rooms for Housekeeping 69 3 large furnished. 523 E. Superior. 3 furnished rooms with garage. 1412 North Morrison.

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments Flats 74 Modern 3 room furnished apart708 E. Walnut. Phone 3923. mant, 1 room Apartment, unfurLarge utilitics furnished. 423 nished; South Armstrong street.

Modern 3 room furnished, apurtment. Adults. 646 South Main. Furnished Rooms. 118 N.

Union. 3 furnished, Adults: 228 3 rooms unfurnished. 316 N. Union 3 room furnished apartment. Ph.

7719. 511 North Main. Business Places For Rent 75 Restaurant, fully' equipped, to let. 870, care of Tribune. Farms Land For Rout 76 FOR RENT--Cash rent.

:20 acre farm. HI. S. Lacey, Phone 9920. Lacey's Tavern.

and 3 truck patches. See rooms Boone Mitchell, S. E. of city on 5. Box 291, Kokomo.

Houses For Rent 77 first floor apartment, hard 5 room wood floors, close in, heat and witter included. $32.50 per month, 6 r'oom halt of A double, North, 3 rooms down, 3 rooms and bath up. $15.00 per month, home N. Kennedy, semi5. room modern, $17.00 per month.

OSCAR. LEWELLYN, South Buckeye. Ph. 5888 112 5 semi. 613 East Sycamore At Peru, 'Indiana, large house suitable for a rooming house, $25 month.

1 large metal buildper 5,000 square feet floor ing $25 per month. Inquire 8.5 space, S. Broadway, Phone 1349. Four rooms. 1724 North Kennedy Inquire East Taylor.

5- room semi-modern, garage. N. Washington. Phone 5074. Wanted to Rent 81 Responsible party wants.

3. 5 or room furnished house. Must bel modern and in good location. Three in tamily. Immediate possession desired.

Phone after 81 p. 1076. Want to rent 5 room all modern house, South. Phone 9309. APPLE MARY 50 YOU'RE CONNECT ME WITH THAT PARTY SPEAK WANTS you TO WHAT HELLO WHAT JAMES CARVER, LONG DISTANCE CALL.

DAD! 99 GEE! HERE'S YOUR MAN, CHIEF. WANTED u. 3. 1'al, Copm ichl, hr Syndicate REAL' ESTATE FOR SALE Farms Land For Sale 33 31 ACRES, North, on. State Road 31.

Good, modern, 8 bome. Good outbuildings. Close. in. Cali '7837 for interview.

169 A. farm 6 miles of Kokomo. Write Box F-6, carc of Tribune. 300 acres, located in Boone CounState Highway. Good land ty on and improvements.

All in good cition. Priced Lo sell at $100 per $8000 down, the balance to acre. suit the buyer uL interest. Possession March 1sL GO acres, Howard County, located well with good land and improve. ments.

Priced at $6500. Possession March 1st. Would trade for lund if located good, When in. a hurry to make settle-: ments for farm purchases, or refinancing, we have plenty money for deals to be closed in a few your days. will pay you to investigate.

J. .00 DRINKWATER REALTY CO! 400 Armstrong-Landon Building: 185 at $00, 75 at $100. HOWARD BONE, over Union Bank. Tel. 1685 14 ACRES, 4 room house with fur-! nace, house wired, nvaiinble.

Good barn, chicken house, garage. Possession March 1st. A. C. Miller Son, 802 East Sycamore.

Ph. 6178 or 6522, Houses For Sale complete bath, garage, W. 7 room, side, good location, $3700. $525 down balance $18 per month. 7 acres edge of city, $1100.

BARGAIN 110 W. Superior South. Modern 3 bedroom. bungalow, also (bungalow) double, 2 lots. 3 garages.

$3000; terms on part. Southwest. 5 room semi-modern bungalow and garuge. $1800; $500 cash; terms. money lo loan on tarnis, 70 commission.

Any clay, or farm property for sale? us, McREYNOLDS REALTY CO. N. Main St. Phone 3506 HOMES AND INVESTMENTS. 5 room modern bungalow, South, choice location; sell $2750; terms, I 14 room apartment home and come property, close in; 3 snap on terms 7 room semi-modern 2 story good Home South, new roof and paint, near School and bus; sell on terms.

For any real estate deal, sce W. P. PARSE REALTY CO. N. Main, Ph.

720T, or 5982 nite Have one house to sell at $150 cash, balance $15 per month, priced at $1500. Here is a chance to, have income and a place, to live an also. 2-car garage, Better hurry. Here is a real buy. To sell estate, see me.

H. H. Wood. 209 I. 0.

0. F. N. Main Five. room modern bungalow, hardwood HoorE.

dreplace, S. W. cash. and easy terms. "Five room semi-modern bungaN.

Market, north of North low, New roof, garage, basem*nt. Small down payment and $15 monthly. Seven room scmi-modern cottage, close in. S. Market.

Owes $500. Will trade for clour five room house S.C. HOWARD NATIONAL COMPANY 122 Cast Walnut Phone 9151 NORTH--Small modern bungalow, furnace, good bath, 2 bedgood rooms, to right party $1950; $75 down, $18 monthly. A good buy, Vacant. G.

Garrett, N. Main SALE--Modern bungalow. Terms. 1304 West Jefferson street. AUCTION Auction Sales $0 AUCTION Stock of B.

J. Drug Store, Thursday, Feb. 2, 1:30 und 7:30 p. sold. Toilet articles, Main, until Nyal medicines, many other; candy, many, other brands; articles.

Here Is your chance to buy, drug aceds auction. Plan your bitend this auction. 'Heid In beated l'oom, H. H. Wood, AucPh.

office 9401; 6321,: tioneer. The famous line. speak for John," is. found in. an old thyself, ballad dated least 250 Scotch before "Courtyears ship of Miles Standish." By.

Martha Orr Legal Notices State of Indiana, County Howard In the Circuit Court of Howard County Marion E. Slocum VB. Robert C. Slocum Chorica W. Siocum Lotta B.

Siocum Wife of Charlen W. Slocum Jeanette A. Slocutn Charlotte Follow Charirs A. Fellow Husband of Charlotte Fellow Mary E. Pollard Oria C.

Pollard, Reshard of Minry E. Pollard Allea -F. Slowdin Mnede Slocum, Wife 'of Allen F. Stocum Helen Elizabeth Sorum, Wife of Marion E. Slocum CHuMP No.

19:83 Notice of Commixioner's Snie of Kral Estate The undersigned commissioner, Ly virLue of RA order of the Howard Ciremt Court, mad: and entered in therein pending, entitled Marion E. Slo. cum: VA. Robert C. Slocum.

curl. and numbered 19393 upon the dockets thereof. heruhy miven notice Kokomo. that at Howard 027 Ent County. Mulstreet, Indiana, on the 6th duy of Feb.

1909. nt 10 IL. m. snid day. he will offer at private sale and not Jess than the full ed value thereof.

the fallowing described rent extate, Lo-w'it: LAt number Mix (5) in Morris Subdivision of ool lot 0.0 hundred, Kokomo, Howard (179) County, in the Indiana city The undivided two lay of low number sixty-one (G!) and sixty-two (G2) Brookside Addition to the city of Kokomo, Indiana. excen; cighty. four (54) fooL off the entire mouth undA of aid Jots, Also. that part of Madison Street lying North of snid lots, now vacated. Robert C.

Slocum. 527 E. Mulberry St. Commissioner, LEGALS SALE OF TIME WARRANTS Notice In hereby given that on the 11th day' of Februnry. 1989, nt ten o'clock, De m.

my office in Kokomo, Indiana. I will offer for ante to the higher; bidder Seventy (70) Time Warranty calling for the sum of One ($1.000.00) Dollars each. or One (2) Time Warrunt for the sum Seventy Thou nnd (STD. 000.00% Dollars. nt option of purchaser, due Ninety (20) days after date, drawinK not thin Four interes: from date, and being negotiper able without registration.

A copy of raid Time Warrant in in letters and follows. 1o-wit: Kokonio. Indian: days after date. the City of Ninety Kokomo, Indiana. promisin 10 piny Dollars TO the bearer.

the AUnt af with per cent. interest from die without relief from valuation or apprulacmen laws of the State of Indinna, at of the City Trensurer in the the office City of Kokomo, Indiana. The considercion money of this obtained Time ther-o7 Warrant TA 1A be and used for the current of the City Government of the City of Kokomo. Ind- I jana. Thin time warrant is Issued or of the luck of fund in revenues pay waid current without This time TO warennt shall be negotiable istration und shall not be wold for less than dollars.

Harold G. Freeland, Mayor Attest: C. Darwin Middicton, City Clork. I reserve the right to reject any and all bide, Duly signed chis 31mL day of January. 1 1039: C.

Darwin Middleton, Cry Clerk. (SEAL) NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice in hereby given that the Board of Public Works und Safety of Indiana, the City of Kokomo, in the State will receive bids its office in the CELy Building in syLid Clay, natil Tiro (2) o'clock p. m. on the day of February, 1939. on one (1; Too (21 cuipment.

Coupe minted Vermilion Rad and lettered Automohile, with all Deluxe Directed by Fire Chief and One (1; Onehalf ton Panel Dour Truck with tires. ply on rear wheels. 3rdy nt least. Eighty-Soven ($7) inches long. Fifty-five 1351 inchex 'wide and milion Red (51) ard inches lestered high.

directed by Painted Vor. Fire Chief. The trade-in-value of One (11 Pontine Coupe. eight (S) 1933 model 10 be included in the bid price of said cars. Said bids are to 1a: delivered on the combination of the Three Automobiles.

Tho Bourd the right to reject Any or all bids. HAROLD G. FREELAND LINDELL HALE JOSEPH CRIPE Attest: C. Darwin Middlewn, Chy Clerk (SEAL) Notice in hereby that the undersigned Co- of the estate of Edward H. Darrouch.

deconsed. will offer For en la nt public auction nt the late whip, in wail County and State, 011 Torresidence of said decodent, in Taylor townday, tho 5th day of Februnry. 1039, all of the personni property said. estate, consisting of household cattle. goods nad hogs.

miscel farm implements, lancoca lemns 118 Sat must in the inventory Said. heretofor: mute 10 begir. nt. 10:30 o'clock filed. in this enurg.

A. M. Terma-ali vilex LA be for cash. Dated this dny of January, Earl UnTrough Zuzel Starkey Hines, Gentle W. Rybolz, for the estate STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF HOWARD SS IN THE HOWARD CIRCUIT COURT JANUARY TERM.

1039 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ON EDWARD DARROUGH. DECEASED, EARL DARROUGH AND ZAZEL STARKEY. HINES, NO. 3938 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OP PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice of Administration Notice iA hereby given, that the under. wigned hux been Gours armointed of by Howard the County, i of the Circuit Stale of Indiann, administrator of the crate Nancy J.

ElliA Inte. of Howard County, decensed. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. Goldie Perry, Executrix Jan. 1930.

No. 3051. Goldie Perry. Auy. STATE OF.


and subect to iLK arprovni, the undersigned. of the entito: of Tarma White Cillem. deemed, will, at the hour nf 70:00 o'clock A. M. 021 the lith duv of Fobrunry, 1980, and 1rom day 1.01 day thereafter until wold, offer for mole at private mile.

mt 925 S. Puckey Street. in the City of Kokomo, Indinnn, n1 chu personal property of Mirid of hoorehold kitchen cabin.m: Lubber: dining room. Evink roorn and bedroom furaitere; floor lumpr and item KN oct. in the invontory heretofore filed in thin Said woerty will be sold for not team than the jull appraised value thereof.

All Mica tO. be for cash. Dated thix day of January, 1939. White Willned White, Co-Administrators W. Rybolt.

Attorney for crite. Notice 10 Heirs, Creditors and Legotees Notice in hereby given to the creditors, heirs and legatoca of Corintha Swore dereaped, and alt persons in Mic to appear in maid circuit court on Thursday the 10th day of Feb. 1939. being the day fixed and endorned on the FINAL account of Phillip Sheridan Fowler and Byron Fowler, executor of said decedent, and nll others interested. are also ber-by notified to appear in snid court.

on Mill Jay, nnd mate proof of their heirship, or claim, to any Maid Errraon Martin. Glazk. McClure Shenk. Atyr. No.

Jan. 23. 1939. Notice of Administratinn Notice is hereby riven, that the undersigned hay been appointed by the Judke of the Coccuiz Court nt Howard County, State of Indiana, administrator of the Live of Daisy O'Brien Cameron Inte qi Imrand County, deceased. Said estate in supposed to be solvent.

Marie De Haven Administratrix Jan. 23. 1939. No. Overson de Morning.

Astys. NEW TRIAL IS GRANTED WOMAN AWAITING CHAIR Little Rock, Jan. Dire. Lucille Anderson, 33, first woman to be sectenced to death in Arkansas, will act a new trial on 3 charge she helped kill Eldon Cooley, Hot Springs chain grocery executive. in 3 holdup last Sep tember, but her husband, Joseph (Smokey) Anderson, 37, must, die for the crime.

The state supreme court. ruling their appcuis yesterday, held on admission of confessions of Aifred (Pug) Dickson, 35, and Clarence, (Bill) Johnson, 33, under deatb sentences in the same case, as evidence against Mrs. Anderson was improper. Anderson testified to robbery, Andersons conspiracy in were involved. The court did not rule on appeals of Dickson and Johnson.

The governor is to set Anderson's electrocution date. Mrs. Anderson suid her home was in. Indianapolis and she. was married in South Band, in 1937.

She said relatives, whom she would not name, knew of her prodicament. "You see what God can do for you," she 'told reporters. knew would stand by me because I he was innocent." Decline Invitation London, Jan. Duke and duch*ess of Windsor todeclined an invitation of the day West Wales branch of the British Legion to attend the annual Swansca Valley rally this summer. the "While we greatly appreciate invitation, our plans to visit England are not sufficiently advanced to make possible an acceptance," the Duke wrote.

SHORT SHORT STORIES W. Childs, the noted PhilGeorge ladelphia publisher who died in IL princely philanthropist of this day, liked to rive an industrious employee of his the deed for 3 little house as reward for loyal services. A paid-up insurance policy another was a gift which pleasedhim next. CASH FOR' YEAR NEEDS OR OLD YEAR BILLS! Every day in the year LOCAL stands ready to serve your financial needs. Loans of all kinds on your own signature and security.

No endorsers. You can quickly get. the money by visiting our office or phone and we will call. LOCAL FINANCE CORPORATION 110 South Main Street South of Union 13k. Tr.

Co. Phone 4127 Kokomo, Ind. Convenient Ground Floor Location Cash. Loads Auto Finance LOANS ON CARS The quickest way to borrow is on your car. Bring your title, sign the papers, get the cash.

Your car needn't be paid for to get a from us. LINCOLN FINANCE CO. Inc. 113 N. Buckeye St.

Phone 5136 Kokomo, Ind..

The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana (2024)
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Article information

Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 6459

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.