Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (2024)

Your Trip

How many days should I spend in Luxor before/after the cruise?

Luxor is a beautiful city with a wealth of historic temples, tombs and sites. How much time you spend in Luxor depends heavily on how you like to travel/tour. We always recommend taking more time and visiting the sites thoroughly and at your own pace, rather than rushing around. That being said, we recommend you spendtwo full daysin Luxor, at a minimum. Three days is even nicer, as you can visit most of the major sites, a few smaller ones, and also have time to have leisurely meals, walks, etc. We are happy to help you arrange drivers or tours around Luxor, should you desire.

What should I pack for my trip to Egypt?

If there’s a common theme amongst our guests when packing for their trip to Egypt it’s that they overpack. For the most part, you will not need a lot of clothes and accessories in order to be comfortable in Egypt and packing lightly always makes your life easier.

In general, you should be sure to pack the following: sunglasses, hat, swimsuit, shorts/light dress, scarf/shall (for women), t-shirts/tank-tops, comfortable walking shoes, adaptor plug, camera and a good book! Beyond this, you won’t need much. It’s very easy to wash your clothes every couple of days, as they’ll dry quickly in the afternoon sun.

Can you help me arrange a driver and/or guide for Luxor?

Absolutely. If you are interested in arranging a guide for your time in Luxor, we are happy to help. Please e-mail us at with your desired dates and itinerary and we will help coordinate.

What are the best months to travel to Egypt?

Egypt has great weatheryear-round, however the Summer months can bevery hot. For this reason, we recommend traveling between mid/late September to late May. While we are able to run cruises during June, July and August, we typically discourage our guests from doing so given the extremely high temperatures during this period.

We always recommend that our guests view the average temperatures for each month and make a decision on when to travel based on their desired weather: Annual Weather Averages in Luxor, Egypt.

Are any vaccinations required for travel in Egypt?

It is recommended that you have all routine vaccines. While many of our guests choosenot to get any vaccines and remain healthy, some Health Departments recommend the Typhoid and Hepatitis A vaccinationsfor added precaution. However, it is worth pointing out that we havenever had a single case of anyone getting sick as a result of not having received these specific vaccinations.

Do I need a Visa for entry into Egypt?

For visitors from the U.S.A, U.K. and Europe:For visits of up to 30 days, you can get a visa on arrival by payment in Sterling, US Dollars or Euros; the visa fee is roughly US$20 at approved bank kiosks within airport arrival halls, before reaching immigration counters.Wehighly recommend that you do not purchase your visa from an agent or consulate before traveling to Egypt, as the prices for doing so are often times 2x-5x or more the actual cost of simply buying it upon arrival.

For Visitors from the Middle East(Arab Countries): You are advised to contact the Consulate General before applying for the visa in order to confirm the required documentation.

For Visitors from Other Countries: Please check with the Egyptian Consulate for visa requirements for your specific country.

Is it safe to travel to Egypt?

Yes, it is safe to travel to Egypt according to manyForeign Consulate Offices, including that of the United Kingdom and United States. In the words of the U.K. FCO: “The area to which the FCO advise against all but essential travel does not include the tourist areas along the Nile river (e.g. Luxor, Qina, Aswan, Abu Simbel and the Valley of the Kings) or the Red Sea Resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada.” The U.K. FCO also includes a map of the “green zone” (safe for tourists) that incorporates expansive areas in and around everywhere Nour El Nil travels. You can download this map here: Download Map.It’s also worth pointing out thatEgypt as a country, according to the crime index has a lower crime rate thanUSA, France, Italy, Greece,and many other countries!

We also encourage you to read this article in The Guardian by Anthony Sattin, writer of Lonely Planet Egypt, on why now is the time to travel to Egypt: Egypt, Why To Go Now. While thearticle was writtten in March 2014, it still applies today, as tourists at that time had many of the same concerns as they do today.

The Cruise

What time does the cruise end in Aswan?

We arrive just outside of Aswan, near the Aswan bridge, on Friday night where we will dock for the night. Guests depart the boat by 09:30 on Saturday morning, but it is possible to get off earlier on Saturday morning if you need to catch an early flight. We are happy to arrange taxis to the airport (for a surcharge) or to your mainland Aswan hotel (free).

How much should I tip the crew?

While you are welcome to tip as much or as little as you like, when asked by guests we recommend a tip of 100 Eurosper guest. This tip will be split evenly among theentire crew (typically 15-17 staff) who work 12+ hours/day. As you will see, our crew will take great care of you and your tip is a small and generous way that you can thank them for their hard work and care.

Is it safe to swim in the Nile?

Yes, of course! Every week our guests swim in the Nile without any problems or cause for concern.The currents ensure that you are swimming in clean, non-stagnant water. We’ve had everyone from children to the elderly take a dip in the Nile with us and no one has ever become sick as a result.

Can you accommodate my special dietary requirements?

We are very willing and able to accommodate special dietary requirements. For example, if you are vegetarian or pescatarian, we will include plenty of vegetables and/or fish at each meal. If you have any foodallergies, please be sure to alert us as soon as possible so we can ensure that we properly accommodate these concerns.

Should I worry about getting “seasick” on the cruise?

Absolutely not! Unlike the sea, the Nile is completely calm and experiences no waves or abrupt movements, therefore you can feel completely confident that being on the river will not adversely affect you. We have never had a single guest complain of being “seasick” on the Nile.

What type of cuisine/food do you serve on the boats?

We serve only the most authentic Egyptian cuisine, made from fresh ingredients purchased from local farmers and fishermen. From freshly caught Nile Perch to the delicious felafel, you will look forward to each and every meal.

For those who have special dietary concerns, we can adapt to most any allergies or special requests. We ask you to notify us of any special dietary needs as soon as possible so that we can prepare properly.

Are children allowed on board the cruise?

Yes, we allow and welcome children aboard the cruise. We have found that children, old and young, thoroughly enjoy the cruise and excursions. That being said,please understand that the dahabiya provides anintimate atmosphere and therefore it is important that your children are well-behaved.

Do you provide discounts on the cruise or guesthouse for Egyptian Residents?

Pricing for both the cruise and guesthouse is the same for both residents and non-residents.

How many people fit in a room? Can you have 3 people per room?

All rooms are based on double-occupancy. It is our policy that no more than two people be allowed per room, except in rare instances of young children. If you have special circ*mstances, please let us know and we will address your case on an individual basis.

Is there single person pricing (discount) for the Nile cruise?

The cost for a Single Person to have their own room aboard the dahabiya is the Per Person price plus 50%. There is a limit to 2 single rooms per boat, after which all rooms must be charged at the double occupancy rate. No single occupancy rates/discounts are given during High Season weeks.

Is it possible to shorten the trip? To extend the trip?

Our standard trips last 5 nights/6 days. We are able to shorten or lengthen the trip only in the instance of a privatization (charter), in which case we can customize the trip according to your schedule and desires.

What is your Cancellation Policy?

Nour El Nil understands that sometimes plans change as a result of unforeseen circ*mstances. If you need to cancel your trip, our official policy is:

  • Reservation deposits (typically 25% of booking) are non-refundable but can be applied to future trip if your plans change.
  • The balance of reservation is due 60 days in advance of your departure date. Cancellations made after this point are non-refundable, however your balance can be applied to a future trip.

Is WiFi available on the cruise? At the guesthouse?

Cruise:While we discourage guests from using WiFi too frequently, as we’d prefer you enjoy the beautiful Nil, internet is available for those who need to use it.

Beit Sabee Guesthouse: Yes, free WiFi is available at the Guesthouse.

Is air conditioning available aboard the cruise?

Yes, air conditioning is available aboard the cruise. However, much of the year Air Conditioning is not necessary. Each room has multiple windows that typically help keep the room comfortably cool. It should be noted that the air conditioning system runs off of our generator, which we turn off at night, in order to ensure that our guests have a restful sleep. We do providefans which can run continually throughout the night to keep you cool.

Is a guide included in the cost of the cruise?

Yes, we will have a guide present with you at all major sites that we visit along the Nile. Guides are available in several major languages. If your preferred language is other than English, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate. Of course, you are welcome to leave the guide a tip as a small “Thank You” for the time they will spend with you.

Can I privatize/charter the cruise?

Absolutely! We have special rates for privatizations. Please e-mail us at to get more details and pricing for privatizations.

Is alcohol available aboard the cruise and at the guesthouse?

Yes. Beer, wine, champagne and spirits are available for purchase on the cruise.In regards to spirits in particular, we have managed to acquire a nice vodka and gin, but if you prefer whiskey you should buy this yourself at Duty Free in the airport.

Beer and Wine are available for purchase at the Guesthouse.

What is included in the cost of the cruise?

Your Nour El Nil cruise includes all room and board, travel from Luxor to the cruise, entrance to the sites that we visit and the guide.

Not included in the cost of the trip is: alcohol, tips for the crew and guide, and transportation at the end of the cruise.

What is the difference between each of your dahabiyas?

The primary difference between each of our dahabiyas is (a) how spacious the accommodations are and (b) how large the deck is.The price difference between ourdahabiyas is based on these factors.Other than that, the design, style, service and experience are the same across all four of our dahabiyas.

Good to Know

Payment Terms

For individual room bookings: 25% non-refundable deposit due within 14 days of confirmation. Balance due60days in advance of departure date.

For privatization:25% non-refundable deposit duewithin 14 daysof confirmation. Balance due 60 daysprior to start date.

Is it safe to drink the water in Egypt? What about the ice?

We generally advise guests not to drinkthe tap water in Egypt. We provide our guestswith as much bottled water as needed on both the cruise and at the guesthouse. Itshould be noted that we have an advanced filtration system on our dahabiyasand it is this filtered water that is used to make the ice that we provide you.However, we still encourage guests to use the bottled water for drinking purposes. Of course,it is safe to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, shower with, etc. the water both on the dahabiyaand at the guesthouse.

Following the cruise, how can I travel to Aswan or back to Luxor?

Nour El Nil will happily arrange a taxi for you to drive to Aswan following your trip, if desired. We can also arrange airport transfers for departure from Aswan. If you wish to return to Luxor following your time with Nour El Nil, please let us knowing during the cruise and we will arrange this transport (at additional cost).

Will I be able to easily exchange Dollars, Euros, British Pounds or other currencies in Egypt?

There are a large number of banks and exchange offices that can change cash and travelers’ checks in Egypt. Moreover, many touristic shops, restaurants, and bars will actually accept dollars or Euros at rates that are relatively close to the official ones. Makes sure you know the current exchange rate of dollars or Euros to Egyptian pounds. You can check current exchange rates here.

We are often able to exchange smaller sums of money directly at Beit Sabee Guesthouse or on the cruise.

Is it common practice to give tips in Egypt?

Due to the low salaries of many professionals in Egypt, many people depend on tips, or baksheesh as it is called in Egypt, as a major part of their income. Therefore, tipping is considered customary in Egypt.

Can you purchase alcohol in Egypt?

Yes, alcohol is available in Egypt, either in the hotels, higher class restaurants and cafes, pubs, and beer gardens. You will also find off licences as well. Please note though, it is illegal to drink alcohol in the streets in Egypt.

What voltage is used in Egypt?

Standard voltage is 220 volts. Primary sockets require the European, 2 pronged variety. We recommend that you pack a universal travel adaptor. You will need a voltage converter, and plug adaptor in order to use U.S. appliances.

What is considered appropriate attire for women traveling in Egypt?

The following advice applies to women when visiting Luxor and historical sites:Short skirts/shorts, revealing tank-tops or other types of potentially “provocative” clothing are not recommended. Unfortunately, this type of dress attracts unwanted attention and can be looked down upon, given the fact that Egypt is a primarily Muslim country.

In general, women should wear long sleeves and dresses in Cairo and cities/locationsother thanLuxor, Aswan and Hurgada, where more comfortable, less conservative clothing is more accepted because of tourism. When in these locations, it is still good to adhere to having a shawl to cover up when needed.

The above advicedoes not apply to Nour El Nil cruises. You are welcome to wear whatever you would like while on the cruise, including bathing suits, bikinis, tank-tops, etc. Our staff is used to serving western clients and are not offended. Our staff is completely respectful and most of all, we want you to be comfortable. After all, Egypt can be quite hot at times!


With 2 Panoramic Rooms, 7 Rooms and 1 Cabin, El Nil has something for travellers of all types.

The thirdlargest of Nour El Nil’s dahabiyas, builtin 2006, El Nil includes an expansive top-deck, comfortable salon, and 10 rooms. Able to accommodate up to 20 guests,El Nil is a sleek, immaculately designed and decorateddahabiya.

Who Should Book El Nil?

El Nil is well suited for groups of up to twenty people and for travellers wishing to enjoy a little more space than Assouan, but are still price-conscious.

Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (1)

4400 Euros Per Room

Panoramic Room

El Nil’s two Panoramic Rooms are smaller than our panoramic “suites”, but still beautifully decorated with a combination of Parisian and Egyptian styles. Expansive Nile views can be enjoyed through the floor-to-ceiling windows from your King Size bed. An en-suite includes a shower, toilet and wall-to-wall mirrors.


Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (2)

3450 Euros Per Room


While smaller than our larger boat’s luxury rooms, El Nil rooms still provide more than enough space to comfortably enjoy your accommodation. The Rooms are available in either a King Size or Twin Bed setup and include three large, opening windows and an en-suite complete with shower, toilet and wall-to-wall mirrors.


Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (3)

Day 1: Esna

Esna, located some 33 miles south of Luxor, is where you will board your dahabiya and meet the crew. A thriving merchant town, Esna is best known for the small ancient Temple of Khnum, which sits 9 meters below street level. Your trip will begin with a brief walk to the temple and a stroll through streets filled with beautiful textiles and other exotic goods.

Day 2: El Kab & Edfu

Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (4)

Day 2: El Kab & Edfu

El Kab, on the East bank of the Nile, was once the capital of Upper Egypt and is still home to the temple of Nekhbet, as well as a row of fascinating decorated tombs carved into the slope of the mountains. Upon docking, you will embark on a beautiful walk through a small fishermen village to visit the necropolis.

In the afternoon, the boat will arrive at Edfu, home to the Greco-Roman temple dedicated to the god Horus. This is among the best preserved of all Egyptian temples. Horse and carriage will take you to the temple through the busy city streets. After returning to the boat, you will set sail for a beautiful island.

Day 3: Sail & Swim

Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (5)

Day 3: Sail & Swim

This is a day devoted to the river: immediately after an optional morning walk and breakfast, you will set sail. In the afternoon, you will stop at an island for a stroll or to swim in the Nile. As dusk begins, there may be an opportunity to walk into the desert along a valley lined with boulders covered in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and stone-age inscriptions. These images mark the beginning of the shortest trail through the desert to Libya (28 days in ancient times). At night, the boat will tie up the foot of floodlit temple of Gebel Silsileh.

Day 4: Gebel Silsileh

Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (6)

Day 4: Gebel Silsileh

Here, the Nile, flowing between two mountains ranges, is at its narrowest. You will often be the only visitors at this fascinating site, as large Nile cruisers are not allowed to stop here. After visiting the small temple of Horemheb and walking through the sandstone quarries, where ancient Egyptians cut stone for many of their most famous temples, you will visit a picturesque café to enjoy tea and shisha (Cafe temporarily closed). You will then sail to a picturesque riverbank where you will stop for lunch and swimming.

Day 5: Kom Ombo

Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (7)

Day 5: Kom Ombo

After a night on the water and beneath the stars, the morning trip will take you to the town and temple of Kom Ombo. The temple was built during the Ptolemaic period on the site of an older temple and at one of the most beautiful locations, on a bend on the river. The temple was dedicated to Sobek, the crocodile-headed god. After enjoying the temple, you will visit the new Crocodile Museum, which contains many mummified crocodiles, attesting to the importance the creature played in this region in ancient times.

Day 6: Aswan

Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (8)

Day 6: Aswan

Awake to the beautiful sight of the desert closing in on the river at Aswan Bridge. Here your cruise comes to an end. You will leave us relaxed and refreshed in the morning.

Please note: The government now requires all dahabiyas to overnight in a dock beside the Aswan bridge. Unfortunately this location is less idyllic and peaceful than we'd like, but it is a legal requirement.

Day 1: Esna

Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (11)

  • Day 1: Esna
  • Day 4: Gebel Silsileh
  • Day 5: Kom Ombo
  • Day 6: Aswan


  • 5 Nights
  • 6 Days
  • 250 KM
Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (12)
"I did a six dayEsna-Aswan trip 2 years ago and still consider it was the best holiday-investment I ever made. Combined withthe cultural highlights and the wonderful people on & off ship this isbeyond comparison..."
"Gliding up the Nile on one of Nour El Nilfour dahabiyas is undeniably majestic..."
"Nour El Nil was the experience of a lifetime. This cruise is strictly for anti-cruisers; for people who care about aesthetics and eating well, for people with open minds."
Roman 59m x 9m DAHABIYA starting at €6000 Per Room View Boat Adelaïde 57m x 8.5m DAHABIYA starting at €4750 Per Room View Boat Agatha 51m x 8.25m DAHABIYA starting at €4550 Per Room View Boat Meroe 55m x 8.5m DAHABIYA starting at €4200 Per Room View Boat Malouka 52m x 7.5m DAHABIYA starting at €4000 Per Room View Boat
Nour El Nil | Luxury Nile Egypt Boat Tours | El Nil (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.