How Much Damage Does a Netherite Axe Do in Minecraft? Everything You Need to Know - 33rd Square (2025)

As an experienced Minecraft player, I often get asked about the most powerful weapons available in the game. The netherite axe is a clear top contender when it comes to raw damage output. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about maximizing a netherite axe build for devastating impact against any foe.

Base Damage and Comparison to Other Weapons

Let‘s start with the baseline power of an unenchanted netherite axe. According to official Minecraft Wiki statistics, a netherite axe deals 10 HP of damage per hit.

This puts it well above all swords and axes of other materials:

Netherite Axe10
Netherite Sword8
Diamond Axe9
Diamond Sword7

In fact, the base damage of a netherite axe ties it with the trident when used in melee combat on land. The trident pulls ahead for ranged/thrown attacks with Loyalty, but for sheer swing damage the netherite axe wins out.

Critical Hits: What are the Odds?

Any weapon‘s potential can be taken to the next level by landing critical hits. But how often do critical hits activate, and how much extra damage do they add?

According to the developers, critical hits have a 55% chance to activate on melee attacks in Minecraft. When they do activate, you‘ll deal 150% of the weapon‘s base damage.

For a netherite axe, this means:

  • Standard hit: 10 damage
  • Critical hit: 10 * 1.5 = 15 damage

This means over half your strikes with a netherite axe will be big 15 damage crits on average. Critical hits take some practice to execute, but it‘s a skill worth mastering.

Sharpness Enchantment Mechanics

Sharpness is widely regarded as the best enchantment for boosting melee damage. Here are the nitty-gritty details:

  • Sharpness adds 1.25 extra damage for each level
  • The maximum level is Sharpness V
  • Therefore, Sharpness V adds 6.25 damage
  • A Sharpness V netherite axe has 16.25 total damage

Sharpness has the potential to boost a netherite axe‘s damage output by over 60%. Many experts recommend prioritizing Sharpness over other enchants for the best DPS improvement.

Netherite Axe vs. Trident: Pros and Cons

Tridents stand out as one of the top tier weapons that can rival the netherite axe‘s potential. Let‘s compare their combat capabilities:

Netherite Axe

  • Highest melee damage
  • Shield disabling
  • Sweeping Edge compatible


  • Long range with Loyalty
  • Works underwater
  • Mob dropper with Channeling

As you can see, tridents excel for ranged combat and underwater battles where axes fall short. But if you‘re going toe-to-toe with enemies on land, the netherite axe‘s overwhelming swing damage can‘t be matched.

The History and Lore of Netherite

Before we get any further, let‘s take a quick look at the story behind netherite and how it was added to Minecraft.

Netherite was introduced in the 1.16 Nether Update as a new tier beyond diamond gear. It was designed as a reward for braving the depths of the dangerous Nether dimension.

The developers aimed to make netherite extremely challenging to obtain in survival mode. Finding and mining ancient debris takes time even in the optimal locations.

Due to its rarity and isolation in the Nether, many fans theorize netherite originated from a lost civilization in Minecraft‘s distant past. The true origins remain shrouded in mystery for now.

Mining Ancient Debris: Best Practices

Let‘s get into some strategies for acquiring this rare material yourself. Here are some tips:

  • Search below Y level 15 in the Nether
  • Prioritize Soul Sand Valleys
  • Use beds or TNT for efficient mining
  • Blast mining exposes ancient debris quickly
  • Fortune III increases debris drops up to 4x

Once you collect enough ancient debris, refine it into netherite scrap and combine with gold ingots to create the coveted netherite ingots.

Don‘t give up if the mining grind gets frustrating. The effort pays off when you finally craft that shiny netherite axe.

Critical Hit Mechanics In-Depth

Earlier we discussed critical hit chances. Now let‘s get into the nitty gritty details of how they work under the hood:

  • Activates only on melee attacks while falling
  • Your hitbox must overlap the target‘s hitbox
  • Applies to all entity attacks, including players, mobs, etc.
  • Damage multiplier is 1.5x (150% of base damage)
  • Works simultaneously with Strength, Sharpness, etc.

Mastering critical hits takes practice but is a crucial skill for maximizing melee damage. Combine crits with a Sharpness V netherite axe and very few enemies will withstand more than a couple clean hits.

Comparing Axes and Swords for DPS

Swords are often praised for their swift attack speed, but how does their damage per second (DPS) compare to the netherite axe? Let‘s crunch the numbers:

  • Netherite Axe: 10 damage per hit, 1.0 attack speed → 10 DPS
  • Netherite Sword: 8 damage per hit, 1.6 attack speed → 12.8 DPS

Based on raw DPS, swords have the edge. However, axes have much higher damage per hit. In practice, axes excel at burst damage for quick enemy takedowns, while swords provide more sustained damage over time.

This makes axes ideal for high-stakes situations where you need to eliminate threats quickly at close range. Swords may out-DPS axes, but they can‘t match the axe‘s frontloaded swing damage.

Disabling Shields: Netherite Axe PvP Tactics

A lesser known but extremely useful ability of axes is disabling shields. Any axe has a 25% chance per hit to disable a shield for 5 seconds.

Against well-geared shield-wielding foes, landing a shield break can be a pivotal turning point in the fight. Follow these PvP tactics when wielding your netherite axe:

  • Rush in close to the enemy and get within striking distance
  • Use the Quick Charge technique (hold attack then release) to swing rapidly
  • If you see their shield flick off, immediately go on the offensive
  • Keep up the pressure during the 5 second disable window
  • Repeat Quick Charge bursts until you overpower your opponent

Executed well, this axe shield-busting technique is a killer option for PvP scenarios.

Comparing Theoretical Damage for Axe Enchant Combos

What‘s the highest potential damage you can reach on a netherite axe? Let‘s theorycraft some optimal enchantment combinations:

Sharpness V16.25
Sharpness V + Strength II20.25
Sharpness V + Crit24
Sharp V + Strength II + Crit30

Of course, the insane combinations don‘t stop there. The absolute theoretical maximum involves:

  • Sharpness V (6.25)
  • Strength II (6)
  • Critical Hit (10 * 1.5 = 15)
  • Total devasting damage of 27.25 HP!

While enchant combos like this aren‘t realistically achievable in survival mode, it illustrates just how shockingly powerful a well-built netherite axe can become.

Expert Opinions on the Netherite Axe

Game developers and expert players widely regard the netherite axe as one of the most potent melee weapons in Minecraft PvE and PvP:

"Two hits and you’re toast. Against groups of mobs or players, the netherite axe is just so powerful." – Jeb, Lead Developer

"Against single targets like bosses, the axe is insanely good. I can drop a Wither in just a few crits with a max enchanted netherite axe." – Dream, pro MC speedrunner

"It‘s still super satisfying after all these years to one-shot a creeper with a clean axe crit – nothing else compares!" – Notch, Minecraft creator

These experts acknowledge the sheer stopping power the netherite axe brings to the table. When wielded by a skilled player, very little can withstand more than a couple of direct hits.

Fun Facts About Axes in Minecraft

Over the years, axes have made their mark on Minecraft in surprising ways:

  • Diamond axes used to be the most powerful weapon before swords were added
  • Axes were the only tool that could access wood resources early on
  • Skeletons and zombies originally only used axes to attack
  • Axes have appeared in Minecraft merch, books, TV shows, and more
  • Players have created real life diamond and netherite axes replica props

From a historical perspective, the trusty axe has been an iconic part of Minecraft since the very beginning.

Speedrunning Tactics with Axes

In the high stakes world of Minecraft speedrunning, top runners frequently use axes for key strategies:

  • Taking down the Ender Dragon rapidly with axe critical hits
  • Quickly chopping trees and beds to reset spawns
  • Fighting Blazes in Nether Fortresses with axe knockback
  • Removing enemy shields quickly in PvP scenarios

Thanks to their combination of damage and utility, axes are a staple tool for speedrunners who want to beat the game as quickly as possible.

On average, top speedrunners save several minutes on their times by strategically wielding axes in key situations compared to other weapon options.

Other Combat Enchants Synergize Well

While Sharpness takes priority, other combat enchants pair nicely with a netherite axe:

  • Sweeping Edge: Hits all nearby mobs, great for crowds
  • Bane of Arthropods: Increased damage vs. spiders, silverfish, endermites
  • Fire Aspect: Sets mobs ablaze for extra damage
  • Knockback: Improved knockback force

If you have spare enchantment levels, plugging one of these extras onto your netherite axe can augment it in certain combat scenarios.

But Sharpness remains the top essential enchant for boosting that raw swing damage to its full potential.

Key Takeaways on the Netherite Axe‘s Power

After reviewing all the numbers, stats, and expert opinions, here are the key takeaways:

  • With 10 base damage, the netherite axe is unparalleled in melee damage output
  • Critical hit chance takes base damage up to a 15 point average
  • Adding Sharpness V can boost damage over 60% to 16.25
  • Shield disabling and knockback give axes extra utility
  • Netherite offers the longest axe lifespan between repairs
  • Well-placed axe strikes shred enemies, making up for slower speed

While difficult to obtain in survival mode, the netherite axe‘s overwhelming damage cements its status as one of the most fearsome melee weapons at a Minecraft warrior‘s disposal.

Understanding advanced mechanics like critical hits alongside optimal enchantments is crucial to unleashing the axe‘s full potential. My hope is this detailed guide offers everything you need to dominate combat with the might of the netherite axe! Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy mining and dragon slaying!

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How Much Damage Does a Netherite Axe Do in Minecraft? Everything You Need to Know - 33rd Square (2025)
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