1. Films directed by Alexandra Pianelli • Letterboxd
Bevat niet: 2014 | Resultaten tonen met:2014
Films directed by Alexandra Pianelli
2. Manakamana - americas.dafilms.com | watch online
A cable car system high in the mountains of Nepal, ferrying passengers to and from the titular temple of a sacred Hindu goddess.
High above a jungle in Nepal, pilgrims make an ancient journey by cable car to worship Manakamana.
3. Jesus Town, USA - americas.dafilms.com | watch online
For 88 years, a small Oklahoma town has pantomimed a passion play on a bizarre reproduction of Jerusalem built into the Wichita foothills. 'Jesus Town USA' ...
For 88 years the residents of a small town in Oklahoma have been putting on the Prince of Peace, passion play. When the man playing Jesus for 8 years retires, his replacement, a long standing ...
4. LongShots 2021: The directors behind the shortlisted films - BBC
17 aug 2021 · Meet the 16 documentary filmmakers behind the shortlisted films, all chosen for their powerful storytelling, brave narratives and cinematic experimentation.
Meet the 16 documentary filmmakers behind the shortlisted films, all chosen for their powerful storytelling, brave narratives and cinematic experimentation.
5. LE KIOSQUE - Le Cinéma Club
Bevat niet: 2014 | Resultaten tonen met:2014
A loving look inside a family-run newsstand in the heart of Paris.
6. 20 Best Movies About Business And Entrepreneurs (November 2023)
20 nov 2023 · Director Alexandra Pianelli, whose family has run this particular ... Chef (2014). best. 8.1. Country. United States of America. Director.
If you’re reading this article, I’m sure you know by now that a cursory search of “the best business movies” will yield more or less the same results: The Wolf of Wall Street, Jerry Maguire, The Social Network, Steve Jobs, The Big Short. And sure, those are great films that shed light on the tough-as-nails business that is, well, business. But plenty of films have been made since then, many of which give us even more of a glimpse of what it’s like to find, manage, protect, and grow your own company. We’ve searched far and wide, going beyond the usual Hollywood titles and recognizable brand names, to look for the most useful, entertaining, and recent movies that can be enjoyed by entrepreneurs of all kinds, and came up with the recommendations below. So whether you’re a seasoned salesman or an up-and-coming hustler, here’s our list of the best movies about business that you should watch right now.
7. Der Kiosk - filmfriend
Zwei Quadratmeter groß (oder eher klein) ist die Welt, in die Regisseurin Alexandra Pianelli eintaucht – ihre Familie betreibt den Kiosk bereits in der 4.
Paris, ein Zeitungskiosk. Alexandra ist Filmemacherin, zudem Tochter, Enkelin und Urenkelin von Zeitungshändlern. Sie ist gekommen, um ihrer Mutter...
8. Curso Cinemalogia 3 — Da Ideia ao Filme - Viral Agenda
... 2014 Projecção Cinematográfica - 8 Junho de 2014 Inscrições em www.caminhos.info ... LE KIOSQUE de Alexandra Pianelli — Clube de Cinema Caminhos. 18:00. Coimbra.
Curso Cinemalogia 3 — Da Ideia ao Filme » Festival Caminhos do Cinema Português » Formação - 23-10-2013 18:00
9. The Kiosk (2020) | MUBI
Bevat niet: 2014 | Resultaten tonen met:2014
The microcosm of a magazine kiosk located in a wealthy area of Paris: the big picture in miniature. Housewives, business people and pensioners all buy their reading material here. Others just ask for directions. A humorous take on life and the people on either side of the magazine stand.